Nucleoside phosphoramidite - Wikipedia
Nucleoside phosphoramidites are derivatives of natural or synthetic nucleosides. They are used to synthesize oligonucleotides, relatively short fragments of nucleic acid and their analogs. Nucleoside phosphoramidites were first introduced in 1981 by Beaucage and Caruthers. [1] .
Phosphoramidites for Oligonucleotide Synthesis | Thermo Fisher ...
Amidites are the building blocks used in chemical synthesis of oligonucleotides. Optimize your oligo synthesis and manufacturing process development with our large selection of amidites offerings that are also available in two quality grades. Common base modifications—2′-MOE, 2′-OMe, and 2′-fluoro—for the synthesis of antisense oligos and siRNAs.
What are Phosphoramidites? - BroadPharm
2023年7月10日 · A phosphoramidite, also known as an amidite, is a chemical compound used in the synthesis of oligonucleotides, which are short chains of nucleotides. They consist of a nucleoside base ( adenine , guanine , cytosine , thymine, or uracil ) attached to a phosphoramidite group, which enables covalent bonding with the growing chain of nucleotides ...
亚磷酰胺法 - 百度百科
亚磷酰胺三酯法是将DNA固定在固相载体上完成DNA链的合成的,合成的方向是由待合成引物的3'端向5'端合成的,相邻的核苷酸通过3'→5'磷酸二酯键连接。 [2] 第一步是将预先连接在固相载体CPG上的活性基团被保护的核苷酸与三氯乙酸反应,脱去其5'-羟基的保护基团DMT,获得游离的5'-羟基。 [2] 第二步,合成DNA的原料,亚磷酰胺保护核苷酸单体,与活化剂四氮唑混合,得到核苷亚磷酸活化 中间体,它的3'端被活化,5'-羟基仍然被DMT保护,与溶液中游离的5'-羟基发 …
DNA and RNA oligonucleotides are synthesized using nucleic acid monomers called phosphoramidites. Phosphoramidites have a dimethoxytrityl (DMT) protection group on the 5 -OH and a β-cyanoethyl-N,N -diisopropylamino-phosphoramidite (CEP) group on the 3 -OH of the dexoxyribose (DNA) or ribose (RNA).
Phosphoramidite Chemistry for DNA Synthesis | Twist Bioscience
2018年9月13日 · Phosphoramidite chemistry is the gold standard method for DNA synthesis that has been used in the industry for almost 35 years. Since its discovery, its simplicity and high efficiency have allowed large volumes of oligonucleotide sequences to be synthesized up to 200 base pairs in length.
亚磷酰胺Phosphoramidites(amidite)介绍-上海牧荣生物科技有 …
2024年1月9日 · 亚 磷酰胺 ,也称为amidite,是一种用于合成寡核苷酸的化合物,寡核苷酸是短链核苷酸。 它们由连接到亚磷酰胺基团的 核苷 碱基( 腺嘌呤 、 鸟嘌呤 、 胞嘧啶 、 胸腺嘧啶 或 尿嘧啶 )组成,亚磷酰胺基团能够在合成过程中与不断增长的 核苷酸 链形成共价键 ...
DNA Oligonucleotide Synthesis - MilliporeSigma
Phosphoramidite chemistry, developed in the 1980s and later enhanced with solid-phase supports and automation, is the method of choice for DNA oligonucleotide manufacturing. Opposite of biosynthesis, chemical synthesis proceeds in the 3' → 5' …
Nucleoside Phosphoramidites (亚磷酰胺单体) - MCE-生物活性 ...
Dmt-2'fluoro-da(bz) amidite,一种均一修饰的 2'-脱氧-2'-氟代硫代磷酸酯寡核苷酸,是抗核酸酶的反义化合物,对 RNA 靶标具有很高的亲和力和特异性。 Dmt-2'fluoro-da(bz) amidite 也是 5'-DMT-3'-亚磷酰胺合成的中间体。
核苷酸合成用亚磷酰胺-赛默飞| Thermo Fisher Scientific - CN
Phosphoramidites (often abbreviated as amidites) are building blocks used in chemical synthesis of oligonucleotides. Automated oligo synthesizers complete sequential chemical reactions using phosphoramidites to produce the nucleotide chains of synthetic oligos.