What is ammonia NH3 & NH4? - seneye
Ammonia from the gills of fish, their urine, and rotting food or decaying plant matter are contributors of ammonia in an aquarium. It exists in two forms in the aquarium and the first …
Ammonia Test Kit - seneye
Nessler test kits measure ammonia NH3 and ammonium NH4. This is important to note and often missed as you will need to use a look up chart so see NH3 levels. New Salicylate based tests, …
Photometer and reagent ammonia tests - seneye
The NH3 then reacts with the chemistry in the test to create the colour change that is measurable by the photometer or eye. The value that is outputted is either TAN or NH3-N. This method of …
what ammonia level is safe - seneye
NH3 is reported in the unit of ppm but this is interchangeable with mg/L as it is a gas dissolved in water. Want to reduce your ammonia because you have a high level or problem? If so then …
reducing ammonia NH3 levels - seneye
We know high levels of NH3 (ammonia) is harmful to fish in the aquarium or pond but reducing them can often be a problem. Please follow this link to understand what are safe NH3 levels. …
pH and NH3 probe calibration - seneye
NH3 cannot be calibrated as all calibration fluids would be very unstable when stored due to off-gassing. With a seneye device you should not need to use calibration as the replacement …
NH4 and NH3 calculations & tables - seneye
Using traditional methods free ammonia is very hard to measure so normally people measure non-toxic ammonium in the aquarium and pond and use this as a guide to safe levels of NH3. …
why do I have ammonia NH3? - Seneye
They may not register ammonia as the filters are keeping up with its production, however sometime bacteria colonies can be affected and population’s crash, this can be caused by …
why does NH3 go up when I do water changes? - Seneye
Free ammonia NH3 can go up when you do water changes if the new water has has a higher pH. NH3 and NH4 always form equilibrium with pH and temperature. When you do a water change …
New tank syndrome & NH3 - Seneye
If NH3 levels rise to unsafeduring cycling, a number of measures can be deployed to lower pollution levels. 1ppm of ammonia or ammonium (ammonia) will make 2.7ppm of nitrite which …