Amoena USA | Mastectomy Bras, Clothing & Products
Browse Amoena's range of post-mastectomy wear including bras, lingerie, breast forms and prosthetics, swimwear and mastectomy recovery clothing to help you after surgery.
Marlena Wire-Free Bra 2167N - Sand - Amoena
Molded, microfiber pockets are soft and cool to the skin and keep a breast form or symmetry shaper securely in place. A classic seamless bra, the Marlena bra has a V-yoke bottom band that helps lift the bust with wire-free support. The NATUREXX® …
Crete One-Piece Swimsuit - jade/sand - Amoena
Crete One-Piece Swimsuit by Amoena blends luxury and durability, featuring deep jade color, bilateral pockets, UV protection 50+, and unique Amoena Wave Seam support. Shop now!
Amoena Womens Ella Soft Pocketed Mastectomy Bra 2133
2013年7月5日 · Buy Amoena Womens Ella Soft Pocketed Mastectomy Bra 2133 and other Everyday Bras at Amazon.com. Our wide selection is elegible for free shipping and free returns.
- 3.2/5(9)
Amoena - 概述 | amoenahk
我們所有的產品都完美地滿足了患有乳腺癌的女性的需求——由1975為止,我們已售出超過 1700 萬件義乳和 3400 萬件乳房護理紡織品。 我們很自豪能夠陪伴女性完成從診斷到恢復正常生活的整個康復過程。 今天,全球約有 400 名員工(其中 200 人在我們位於德國巴伐利亞州勞布林的總部)全心全意地工作,以實現這一目標。 我們擁有 15 家子公司和全面的分銷商網絡,業務遍及 70 多個國家/地區。 我們的目標是幫助女性在乳房手術後找到一種解決方案,以恢復她們的自然 …
Shop Amoena Online - Nordstrom
Find the latest selection of Amoena in-store or online at Nordstrom. Shipping is always free and returns are accepted at any location. In-store pickup and alterations services available.
Amoena Women's Kelly Cut and Sewn Wire Free Bra
2011年6月9日 · Soft cup bra featuring coolmax active fabric pockets; full fit with padded shoulder straps distribute weight evenly across the shoulders and back. Buy Amoena Women's Kelly …
- 4.1/5(61)
Amoena Ella Soft Cup Bra | Silhouette Mastectomy Shop
The Ella Soft Cup Bra pretty floral jacquard fabric adorns this fiberfill bra ideal for fuller figures as well as breast conserving surgeries. A high center provides more coverage and wide close-set straps will stay on your shoulder. Powernet back material provides support in this fashionable and comfortable all-day bra.
Amoena - The Breast Form Store
Amoena is the world’s leader in post-mastectomy breast prosthetics and lifestyle products for breast cancer survivors and women who are looking to enhance their natural tissue.
爱蒙娜 - 百度百科
爱蒙娜义乳、内衣、泳装、局部校正义乳、生活装等产品,带给女性对生活的信心;爱蒙娜义乳采用进口高端 医用硅胶,质地柔软、手感逼真、形状自然、富有弹性、紧帖胸部;能很好的呵护伤口,无论是行走还是运动或是躺卧,都不会移位。 从2010年开始,爱蒙娜 (中国)逐步和具有国际影响力的外资医院 (和睦家启望肿瘤中心)、先进的三甲医院 (瑞金医院、 上海肿瘤医院 、天津肿瘤医院)合作;2014年,中国抗癌协会癌症康复工作委员会与爱蒙娜 (中国)联合主办向乳癌患者捐赠义 …