Amun - Wikipedia
After the rebellion of Thebes against the Hyksos and with the rule of Ahmose I (16th century BC), Amun acquired national importance, expressed in his fusion with the Sun god, Ra, as Amun-Ra (alternatively spelled Amon-Ra or Amun-Re).
在古埃及漫长的历史长河中,阿蒙神是古埃及人最为熟知的神之一,作为埃及的几大主神之一,对古埃及的历史发展产生过重要影响。 [10] 埃及人把阿蒙描绘成蓝皮肤男子,他头戴插着两根长长羽毛的王冠。 [8] 长羽毛的王冠。 [8] 神圣言语:当他说出所要创造的事物的名字的时候,在他那神圣言语的宣布之下,事物产生了——他所想象的东西都变成了现实。 这是无中生有的创造(这里所谈的心和舌其实属于终极创世者阿蒙)。 [5] 创造万物:普塔赫把阿蒙的抽象想法具象化,创造 …
阿蒙 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
阿蒙是一位古埃及主神,埃及文 转写为ἰmn,意为「隐藏者」(也拼作「Amon」)。 他是 八元神 (Ogdoad)之一,配偶是 姆特 。 起初,他仅是 底比斯 的地方神祇。
Amun | Amon-Ra | The King Of The Egyptian Gods - Ancient Egypt Online
Amun-Ra was the king of the Upper Egyptian gods and one of the most important gods in Egypt, second only to Osiris. Egyptians gave Amun-Ra the role of a creative power responsible for all life on earth, in heaven and in the Tuat (underworld). Amun was also the father of the pharaoh.
Amon-Re | Egyptian god | Britannica
The Egyptian cult of Amon-Re not only became powerful but took on the form of a universal religion as a result of the military and political triumphs of the rulers of Thebes, particularly during the reign of Thutmose III (1479–26 bc). Under Solomon, Jerusalem became the centre of a… Read More; role of priesthood
Ámon (isten) – Wikipédia
Ámon (más elnevezések: Ámun, Ámen, Imen, Ammon, Amon, Hammon) egyike volt a legrégibb isteneknek az ókori Egyiptomban. Már az Óbirodalom, az V. dinasztia korától kezdve előfordult a piramisszövegekben. Nevének eredeti jelentése „Az elrejtett” vagy „Aki rejtve van” volt, de hívták „Egyetlen” -nek is.
Amon | God, Cult, & Facts | Britannica
Amon, Egyptian deity who was revered as king of the gods. Amon may have been originally one of the eight deities of the Hermopolite creation myth; his cult reached Thebes, where he became the patron of the pharaohs by the reign of Mentuhotep I (2008–1957 bce).
Amun-Ra (history and myth) - Egyptian History
2021年1月31日 · Amun-Ra is a god created from the two most important deities of the ancient Egyptian pantheon: the gods Amun and Ra. Creator of the Universe, the Cosmos, and the Earth, Amun-Ra is an emblematic figure of ancient Egypt. The myth of Amun-Ra will soon have no more secrets for you. Amun-Ra was one of the most popular deities of ancient Egypt.
Amun - World History Encyclopedia
2016年7月29日 · Amun (also Amon, Ammon, Amen, Amun-Ra) is the ancient Egyptian god of the sun and air. He is one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt who rose to prominence at Thebes at the beginning of the period of the New Kingdom (c. 1570-1069 BCE). His cult was the most powerful and popular in Egypt for centuries.
阿蒙瑞 - 百度百科
埃及神话法老之王 阿蒙 瑞(Amon-Ra) Amon代表了细微的生命现象,和Ra结合,形成了太阳神Amon-Ra,一只头上戴有眼镜蛇太阳圆盘的鹰,他代表的是宇宙初始的创造力量,这种创造力量包括了形体、精神或灵性等,使万物都具有朝气和活力,是充满生命力的统治者。