What to look out for in a 1970s Ampeg V4B - TalkBass.com
2014年11月15日 · The 1970’s Ampeg V4B is a great amp. I have both a new V4B and an old one. Both great solid amps. But, the vintage one sounds a little better. Great tone. Very reliable amp. But, it is wide head that doesn’t fit well on many cabinets.
Ampeg V4B Reissue rattling and quasi review - TalkBass.com
2014年12月1日 · The V4B uses (at least in the original) the classic ampeg baxandall B/T and active mid control so knobs at noon should probably be fairly close to flat giving allowances for the amp's gain structure and such.
Ampeg V4B Reissue vs SVT-CL pros and cons... - TalkBass.com
2024年12月26日 · I currently running the mentioned v4B reissue through an Ampeg 212av. Using it for power-pop isnpired punk rock. It sounds amazing, and I should have ditched my 610hlf a LOOOONG time ago for the 212av. That said, I have a chance to buy an SVT-CL from a studio that has produced some of my FAVORITE records. However, it would likely mean selling ...
Cab to Pair with Ampeg V4B - TalkBass.com
2017年3月21日 · I've developed a taste for nice vintage, gritty and tubey stoner rock tones, so I've started looking into picking up a used Ampeg V4B. My only concern my cabinet. I have an Ampeg 410HLF, which I have read does not pair well with the V4B, due to not being super efficient and due to being a bit more modern sounding than I'd probably want with a V4B.
Ampeg V4 vs V4B: The Definitive Guide to the Differences
2012年11月30日 · Vintage Ampeg amps that have the ultra-hi switch, including the V4, V4B, and SVT, state in their manuals that the amount of treble boost is dependent on the volume setting. They don't explain how it works.
Ampeg V4B folded horn cabinet - TalkBass.com
2017年3月9日 · Hey So I have a Fender Bassman 100 Silverface running an Ampeg V4B 2x15 folded horn cabinet, but I am having difficulty finding specs for the cabinet and I have some general questions. The setup: It sounds great, but I find the volume a bit lacking. Running the head on 9/10 on both pre and...
Ampeg V4B or B15R - TalkBass.com
2008年7月18日 · A vintage V4/V4B is not the same kind of sound as the modern V4BH. Likewise, the modern B15R, while 100 watts, doesn't entirely retain the vintage B15N sound. In fact, the B15R and V4BH were very similar amps (100 watts, 4x 6L6, 12AX7 pre-amps, etc).
Ampeg V4B vs Traynor YBA-100 - TalkBass.com
2006年4月15日 · The V4B is MUCH louder. I think they rate it at 120 watts, and the YBA seems like 90 watts compared to it. I had the YBA gain at 3 o'clock and volume maxed to get the same output as the V4B with gain at 3 o'clock and volume at 9 o'clock. Based on this, you'll be able to get more clean signal out of the V4B.
Ampeg V-4B - TalkBass.com
2013年6月5日 · Calculated SPL for a V4B pushing 120W into an 810E = ~120.8dB. I believe the sound will be compressed with a bit of drive at this power level. The previous assumes you are committed to an all-tube rig, which may not be the case.
Ampeg V4B Cab Question - TalkBass.com
2024年12月8日 · So, I have an Ampeg v4b that I have been running at 8 ohms (it has a switch on the back that you can switch either 8 or 4 ohm output). Running into an 8 ohm Trace Elliot 4x10 cab. In order to get loud enough for band practice / gigs, I generally have the volume at around 75%. I do know that the...