Venus series - Wikipedia
The Venus series (or Amtor series) is a science fantasy series consisting of four novels and one novelette written by American author Edgar Rice Burroughs. Most of the stories were first serialized in Argosy, an American pulp magazine. It is sometimes known as the Carson Napier of Venus series, after its main character, Carson Napier. Napier ...
Philipp Amthor – Wikipedia
Philipp Amthor ist ein deutscher Politiker. Er ist seit der Bundestagswahl 2017 Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages und seit dem 13. April 2024 Generalsekretär der CDU Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Seit Mai 2024 ist er als Mitgliederbeauftragter Mitglied im Bundesvorstand der CDU. Bis 2020 war er als Lobbyist für das Unternehmen Augustus ...
G4AON's AMTOR - qsl.net
AMTOR is an acronym for AMateur Teleprinting Over Radio and was mostly used on HF. The mode is based on the marine SITOR code that was introduced to amateur radio by Peter, G3PLX. The mode is an enhancement of RTTY with active error correction that copes reasonably well with interference and fading.
AMTOR (SITOR)可以使用通用的TNC设备来实现,由于其工作时的快速切换对电台的发射时延要求比较高,除了使用TNC外也可以使用DL5YEC的HAMCOMM软件配合简单的接口来实现,详细可以参阅HAMCOMM的帮助稿件。 值得说的是WINLINK2000系统和AIRMAIL支持AMTOR方式,所以你既可以使用PACTOR来检查你的信件,也可以使用AMTOR来完成同样的工作 (还要取决于你连接的MBO是否提供AMTOR方式的支持). Mike Gao/BD4OS (WeiHai) .-. Icq Uin:4224945 / \ .-. .-. .-
AMTOR - 百度百科
AMTOR,是一种具有纠错功能的电传通信方式。AMTOR共有两种通信模式,分别是自动请求重传,也称Mode A。以及前向纠错,也称Mode B。在Mode A下,在发送方与接收方之间采用握手协议。以三个字符为一组组成发送包。
AMTOR: The 'forgotten' digital mode. - eHam.net
AMTOR, theforgotten digital mode. What is AMTOR? It's a near errorfree digital mode that uses error detection and correction. This modehas been around so long that all the multimode terminal nodecontrollers (TNC's) have this mode in them even if they …
AMTOR use two frequencies which are filtered, each one corresponding to a binary digit (1 or 0). These two frequencies, separated by a shift, modulate the RF when transmitted and the modulation is called Audio Frequency-Shift Keying (AFSK), otherwise the modulation can be done directly on the RF carrier and it is called Frequency-Shift Keying ...
AMTOR : Amtor operating mode - The DXZone.com
2021年8月29日 · Resources listed under AMTOR category belongs to Operating Modes main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. Amtor operating mode category is a curation of 6 web resources on , Amtor Digital Mode, AMTOR demonstration, Operating AMTOR .
SITOR-A - Signal Identification Wiki
2021年11月25日 · AMTOR is a type of SITOR used by amateur radio operators. SITOR-A has been seed with shifts of 170 Hz, 300 Hz, 400 Hz, and 850 Hz. SITOR-A is most commonly used with 170 Hz shift and 100 Bd Baud (unit symbol Bd) is the unit for symbol rate or modulation rate in symbols per second.
The Different Modes of Ham Radio Operation - Ham Radio Planet
AMTOR (Amateur Teleprinting Over Radio) is a mode of communication in ham radio, designed as an improvement over the traditional RTTY. It functions similarly to RTTY by encoding text messages for transmission through FSK. However, AMTOR introduces an error detection and correction feature by implementing an Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ) system.
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