AMX-13 - Wikipedia
The AMX-13 is a French light tank produced from 1952 to 1987. It served with the French Army, as the Char 13t-75 Modèle 51, and was exported to more than 26 other nations.
AMX-13轻型坦克 - 百度百科
AMX-13轻型坦克(英文:AMX-13 Light Tank [1]),是 第二次世界大战 结束后20世纪40年代末期法国陆军研制装备的三种新型装甲战车之一,为第一代轻型坦克。 AMX-13轻型坦克安装了自动装弹机,采用摇摆式炮塔、装一门75毫米火炮,由一台250马力汽油机驱动,具有车型小巧、机动性好的特点。 AMX-13坦克由伊希莱姆利诺制造厂研制,至20世纪40年代后期完成了第一批样车的制造,于1952年正式在罗昂制造厂投产。 AMX-13轻型坦克总产量4300辆,除法国装备外,还 …
AMX-13轻型坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
AMX-13是一款由法国从1953年至1985年期间生产的轻型坦克,在法国陆军中服役及出口到了逾25个国家。因其重13吨而被命名为AMX-13,具備坚固且可靠的底盘 [2] ,安装了一个由GIAT工業集團(今Nexter Systems)所生产的有旋转式弹夹式的摇摆式炮塔。
French Light Tank AMX-13
The AMX-13 was probably the best known vehicle mounting such a turret, as it was also the most used worldwide, still used by some armies today. It remains the most produced tank by any country in western Europe and by far the biggest French tank production of any time.
【Mono讲坦克】AMX 13发展史(一)研制篇 - 哔哩哔哩
2022年5月16日 · AMX 13看起来是个不错的选择:全重约14吨,配备75mm坦克炮,装甲最大厚度40mm。为了适应丛林环境和海外部署,AMX 13的一些设计需要加以修改,1954年2月,在第1批量产型回厂改修时,法军向AMX工厂正式下单建造5辆专用于越南战场的AMX 13。
AMX-13 Avec Tourelle FL-11 - Tank Encyclopedia
2019年12月10日 · The AMX-13 Avec Tourelle FL-11 was an improvised variant of the AMX-13 that involved equipping the existing hull with the FL-11 turret.
AMX 13/75 Light Tank - Bring a Trailer
2024年12月24日 · The AMX 13 was designed as a light tank that could be transported by aircraft in support of paratroopers, and approximately 7,700 units were built between 1952 and 1987. The hull is protected by steel armor plates ranging in thickness from 15mm to 25mm.
AMX-US (AMX-13 Avec Tourelle Chaffee) - Tank Encyclopedia
2019年11月30日 · The AMX-13 would become one of the world’s most popular light tanks to come out of the Cold War era, appearing in the early 1950s. While this particular variant goes by the official name of ‘AMX-US’, there are many other unofficial names, including ‘AMX-13 Chaffee’ – as it was known by troops – or ‘AMX-13 Avec Tourelle Chaffee ...
AMX-13 (Light Tank) - Army Guide
Giat Industries has developed a range of add-on armour packages suitable for its AMX-13 range of light tanks as well as the US M113 APC series. The add-on package for the AMX-13 light tank weighs under 650 kg with no single unit weighing over 50 kg, enabling it to be installed or removed by the crew using onboard tools.
AMX-13-75 Light Tank | Full specifications, history and variants
The French AMX-13-75 Light Tank was the first of the AMX-13 Tank series. It was initially built with a 75mm main gun and referred to as simply “AMX-13” until production swapped to a new production model with a 90mm main gun, the AMX-13-90 in 1966.