符少娥教授 | 智能可穿戴系統研究院 - The Hong Kong ...
Prof. Fu involves in teaching, research and consultation in the area of musculoskeletal and sports, and is the programme coordinator for the psot-graduate programme in sports physiotherapy. Prof. Fu’s research foci are on early detection, assessment and rehabilitation of musculotendinous problems so as to optimize movements and sports performance.
Prof. Amy FU | Department of Rehabilitation Sciences - The …
Prof. Fu involves in teaching, research and consultation in the area of musculoskeletal and sports, and is the programme coordinator for the post-graduate programme in sports physiotherapy. Prof. Fu’s research foci are on early detection, assessment and rehabilitation of musculotendinous problems so as to optimize movements and sports performance.
Amy Fu - First Round Capital
Amy Fu is a Vice President at First Round, a venture capital firm that works with founders exclusively at the earliest stages of company building, often when all they have is an “imagine if.”
Prof. Amy FU | Research Institute for Intelligent Wearable Systems
Prof. Fu involves in teaching, research and consultation in the area of musculoskeletal and sports, and is the programme coordinator for the psot-graduate programme in sports physiotherapy. Prof. Fu’s research foci are on early detection, assessment and rehabilitation of musculotendinous problems so as to optimize movements and sports performance.
Amy Kit Yu FU - facultyprofiles.hkust.edu.hk
傅洁瑜教授 - HKCeND
傅洁瑜教授于1998年加入香港科技大学,现任生命科学部研究教授,以及香港科技大学–上海第六人民医院脑科学联合研究中心主任。 傅教授同时在分子神经科学国家重点实验室、崇光伉俪分子神经科学中心、干细胞研究中心、香港科技大学–中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院脑科学联合实验室以及脑与智能研究院担任副主任。 傅教授的研究工作旨在阐明阿尔茨海默病的分子和细胞机制。 她专注于在先天免疫和血液系统中发现阿尔茨海默病的治疗靶点,并通过使用遗传关联分析以 …
Amy Kit-Yu FU - Google 學術搜尋 - Google Scholar
Research Professor - 引用次數:6,665 次
傅潔瑜教授 - HKCeND
傅教授的研究工作旨在闡明阿爾茲海默症的分子和細胞機制。 她專注於在先天免疫和血液系統中發現阿爾茲海默症的治療靶點,並通過使用遺傳關聯分析以及體內外實驗研究來闡明其因果作用。 傅教授在同行評審的國際學術期刊上發表了超過90篇論文。 她的研究成果為開發新的治療策略提供了強有力的研究基礎。 香港神經退行性疾病中心獲選進駐Health@InnoHK創新平台,專注研發醫療相關技術,包括分子診斷、生物信息、藥物開發和個人化醫療。
Amy FU | The Hong Kong University of Science and
Amy FU | Cited by 4,792 | of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon (UST) | Read 120 publications | Contact Amy FU
Amy Fu - New York, New York, United States - LinkedIn
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