AN/SPG-51 - Wikipedia
The AN/SPG-51 is an American tracking / illumination fire-control radar for RIM-24 Tartar and RIM-66 Standard missiles. It is used for target tracking and Surface-to-air missile guidance as part of the Mk. 73 gun and missile director system, which is part of the Tartar Guided Missile Fire Control System .
AN/SPG-51 - Radartutorial
AN/SPG-51 is operating in the C band gun and missile fire-control radar. It includes an X band continuous wave target illuminator for the RIM-24 Tartar and RIM-66 Standard missiles. The dual purpose parabolic reflector has a diameter of 7.7 ft (≙ 2.5 m).
AN/SPG-51 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The AN/SPG-51 is a tracking / illumination radar for RIM-66 Standard missiles. It is used for target tracking and Surface-to-air missile guidance on Virginia-class cruisers, California-class cruisers, and Kidd-class destroyers. The French Cassard class frigates and Royal Netherlands Navy Tromp class frigates also utilise this system.
AN/SPG-51 - Wikiwand
The AN/SPG-51 is an American tracking / illumination fire-control radar for RIM-24 Tartar and RIM-66 Standard missiles. It is used for target tracking and Surface-to-air missile guidance as part of the Mk. 73 gun and missile director system, which is part of the Tartar Guided Missile Fire Control System .
B4 单脉冲雷达(Monopulse Radars) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年9月16日 · 卡萨德级护卫舰的 tartar 火控 an/spg-51 雷达. 当 20 世纪 70 年代后数字信号处理变得可用时,实现单脉冲跟踪的成本和复杂性降低了,可靠性也提高了。 大多数现代跟踪雷达和许多类型的一次性弹药(如导弹)都采用了该技术。 左上:发射后的 fgm-148 标枪反坦克 ...
AN/SPG-51D Missile Director Radar - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月7日 · The AN/SPG-51C/D radars - part of the Mk74 Mod 13 Missile Fire Control System, are located directly AFT of the AFT funnel on the Charles Adams DDG class. These doppler Fire Control radars provide...
美军导弹系列(三):RIM-24 TARTAR“鞑靼人”防空导弹 - 知乎
MK74 Tartar火控系统 (FCS)由1部或者多部AN/SPG-51火控雷达和火控计算机等外设组成,SPG-51为半主动制导雷达制导的提供目标信号。火控系统接收来自舰载远程搜索雷达发来目标定位信息后,启动SPG-51锁定目标,锁定目标后系统自动生成射击诸元并上传导弹并发射 ...
AN/SPG-51 - 华文百科 - wikii.one
AN / SPG-51是用于RIM-24 Tartar和RIM-66标准导弹的美国跟踪 /照明火力控制雷达。 它用于目标跟踪和表面向空气导弹指导作为MK的一部分。 73枪支和导弹导演系统,它是塔塔尔导弹消防系统的一部分。
Overview — AN/SPG-51 — Naval Radars - Military Periscope
The AN/SPG-51 is a pulse-Doppler, target tracking and illumination radar used with the Tartar/Standard-MR surface-to-air missile and in conjunction with the Mk 74 gun and missile fire-control system. It was designed for use on medium and large ships.
AN/SPG-51D Missile Director Radar - Federation of American …
The SPG-51D is a tracking/illumination radar for the Standard missiles, used on Virginia-class cruisers. Sources and Resources. http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ship/weaps/an-spg-51.htm. Maintained by Robert Sherman. Originally created by John Pike.