Intel® Core™ i3 Processor - Features, Benefits and FAQs
4 天之前 · Redefine the laptop experience with latest Intel® Core™ i3 processors, featuring built-in AI, integrated Wi-Fi 6, and next generation graphics.
一文读懂 Intel Core i3、i5、i7 和 i9 处理器,小白也能轻松选购
2024年2月15日 · 最新代的 Core i3 处理器通常配备了 5-12MB 的 Intel 智能缓存。 Core i5 系列的缓存容量大约在 20MB 到 24MB 之间,而 Core i7 系列则在 30MB 到 33MB 之间。 Intel Core i9 系列,则以至少 36MB 的 Intel 智能缓存,领先于其他系列。
The i3 Processor: What You Need to Know About Performance, …
2024年9月24日 · The i3 processor is a type of central processing unit (CPU) developed by Intel. It is part of their Core series of processors, which also includes i5 and i7 models. The i3 processor is designed to provide a balance of performance, power efficiency, and affordability, making it a popular choice for mainstream laptops and desktops.
Intel Core i3 (12th Gen) i3-12100 Quad-core (4 Core) 3.30 GHz …
Intel® Core® i3 3.30 GHz processor uses less power and the hyper-threading architecture delivers high performance for demanding applications at an affordable price ; 12 MB of L3 cache rapidly retrieves the most used data available to improve system performance ; Built-in Intel UHD Graphics 730 controller for improved graphics and visual quality.
英特尔® 酷睿™ 3 处理器 N355
英特尔锐炫™ 显卡仅适用于特定 V 系列英特尔® Core™ Ultra 处理器系统、采用合格系统散热设计的系统,或采用 H 系列英特尔® Core™ Ultra 处理器且系统内存至少为 16GB 双通道配置的 …
第四代智能英特尔® 酷睿™ i3 处理器
第四代智能英特尔® 酷睿™ i3 处理器 产品列表,包括指向产品特性与规格的链接。
Intel Core i3-4130 CPU - CPU-Upgrade
The Intel Core i3-4130 is a Socket 1150 processor, based on Haswell core. There are also 77 Haswell chips, that work in the same socket. Partial characteristics and stepping information of these microprocessors are provided below.
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Intel® Core™ i3 Processor - Features, Benefits and FAQs
Redefine the laptop experience with latest Intel® Core™ i3 processors, featuring built-in AI, integrated Wi-Fi 6, and next generation graphics. Compare products for Intel® Core™ i3 Processors including specs, features, reviews, and where to buy.
新纯电动BMW i3 - 宝马中国
新纯电动BMW i3,启停按钮、换挡拨片、iDrive控制旋钮都采用水晶玻璃饰面,在拨动旋转中自如切换至所需功能,时刻彰显自信从容风范。 专属全景天窗