AN/SLQ-25 Nixie - Wikipedia
The AN/SLQ-25C was first procured in 2007 and is a general electronics upgrade of the AN/SLQ-25A. The AN/SLQ-25C has additional countermeasure modes, more reliable power amplification, a new COTS signal generator, and a longer, more functional littoral fiber optic tow cable (LFOTC) for operation in shallow water.
2017年12月30日 · slq-25x(pms 415):这是正在进行的下一代an/slq-25x,准备取代航空母舰和两栖舰等高价值单元(hvus)上的an/slq-25a/c。 AN/SLQ-25X在设计说明中包括“数字化控制,模块化设计,电声软杀对抗诱饵系统”等特点。
AN/SLQ-25B以AN/SLQ-25A為基礎,增加了兩項重要的附加功能:首先是結合專門用來偵測魚雷的拖曳式被動陣列感測器(Towed Array Sensor,TAS),又稱為三線接收陣列(Tripwire Acoustic Intercept Receive,TAIR),用來探測敵方發射平台(如潛艦)的聲納信號、魚雷發射時 …
U.S. Navy picks up option for additional Nixie torpedo defense …
2013年1月4日 · Under the $8 million contract extension, eight new AN/SLQ-25C systems will provide countermeasures that imitate a vessel’s propulsion system to draw incoming torpedoes away from Navy surface ships. Also referred to as “Nixie,” the AN/SLQ-25C systems are electro-acoustic-towed decoys that communicate with a host surface vessel's network to ...
AN/SLQ-25 Nixie | Military Wiki | Fandom
The AN/SLQ-25C System is an upgrade to the AN/SLQ-25A system. The AN/SLQ-25C incorporates improved surface ship torpedo countermeasures with the addition of new countermeasure modes along a longer, more functional Tow Cable.
Navy chooses Argon ST to build eight additional shipboard …
2017年10月12日 · The AN/SLQ-25A/C is a digitally controlled modular electro-acoustic soft-kill countermeasure decoy system that employs an underwater towed body acoustic projector deployed on a fiber optic tow ...
美国海军水面舰艇展示鱼雷防御系统 - 搜狐
2017年8月14日 · 美国海军 “福特”号(USS Gerald R. Ford CVN-78)号核动力航空母舰上的水兵正在进行操作AN/SLQ-25C“水精”(Nixie)水面舰艇鱼雷防御系统的训练,“水精”旨在通过模仿舰船的声学特征,引诱声纳制导的鱼雷避开预定目标。
Overview — AN/SLQ-25 Nixie - Military Periscope
The AN/SLQ-25 Nixie is an electro-acoustic, towed torpedo countermeasures device. The Nixie operates as a decoy, drawing an enemy torpedo away from the real target and attracting the torpedo to itself by sending out an acoustic signal.
Ultra公司获得“水精”鱼雷诱饵的升级合同_进行 - 搜狐
2021年1月4日 · an / slq-25“水精”是一种独立的声对抗系统,从水面舰艇发射,持续发出噪音干扰来袭鱼雷的声自导,最初于1974年入役美国舰队。 该系统包括一个TB-14拖体(内置声发射器)、一个船用绞盘以及相关的控制机柜。
FXR to Nixie - US Torpedo Decoys (1943-2019) - Blogger
2019年12月2日 · The AN/SLQ-25C was first procured in 2007 and was a general electronics upgrade of the AN/SLQ-25A. It is appears to be the standard version fielded by the United States Navy today and is commonly described as having introduced "new countermeasures modes" and a longer tow cable.
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