AN/TSQ-51 Air Defense Command and Coordination System
The Hughes AN/TSQ-51 Air Defense Command and Coordination System[1] was a transportable electronic fire distribution center for automated command and control of remote Nike missile launch batteries.
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ANTSQ-73 - TehnoMil
The U.s. Army's AN/TSQ-73 com- bines the latest state-of-the-art technology with advanced maintenance philosophy first implemented in the Batterv Terminal Equipment (IBT E). This combination offers the high reliability, IOW power, small size, and reduced weight to form the most cost-effective air defense system in the world today.
Decision and control in army air defense: The AN/TSQ-73 missile …
Incorporating advances in defense electronics and computer technology, the AN/TSQ-73 represents the fifth in a line of air defense command and control systems. This paper describes the forthcoming Missile Minder system and the benefits …
The AN/TSQ-73 Missile Minder is a lightweight mobile automatic data processing command and coordination system for Nike-Hercules and Hawk Army Air Defense units (1, 2, 3).
72Digest1" - Ed Thelen
Jul 15, 1998 · This mobile AN/TSQ-51 system requires no equipment air conditioning. The system integrates the operation of surface-to-air missile ADA fire units by acquiring tracks, processing data, and making track assignments to fire units.
AN/TSQ-73型防空导弹指挥与协调系统 - 百度百科
AN/TSQ-73型防空导弹指挥与协调系统,军事装备系统,该系统是美国研制的机动式自动化 指挥控制系统。 1975 年装备美国陆军部队防空炮兵旅一级,或装备防空营一级。 主要用于指挥“奈基Ⅱ”、改进型“霍克”、“爱国者”、“罗兰”等防空导弹系统,并可进行空中交通管制。 ①反应快速,性能可靠。 ②可与陆军、空军的其它指挥、控制系统进行数字信息联络和交换。 ③操作简便,需用人员少,高级战备状态下只需 3 人。 AN/TSQ-73型防空导弹指挥与协调系统,军事装备系 …
Jan 28, 2022 · 战术电子侦察处理和评估系统AN/TSQ-90D (V)是海军陆战队空-地情报系统 (MAGIS)的一个关键部分,可以处理由EA-6B飞机收集的数字电子战支持措施 (ESM)数据和电子对抗措施数据。 AN/TSQ-90D (V)提供情报处理、任务规划和任务后分析,以支持海军陆战队的EA-6B和战术电子战中队。 该系统支持国防部的指挥、控制、通信、情报 (C3I)目标。 这项任务是通过分析海军陆战队EA-6B的改进型能力 (ICAP)-II飞机收集的电子情报 (ELINT)和电子战 (EW)数 …
AN/TSQ-8 - Wikipedia
The Martin AN/TSQ-8 Coordinate Data Set [1] was a Project Nike CCCS system for converting data between Army Air Defense Command Posts (AADCP) and Integrated Fire Control sites for missile Launch Areas.
AN/TSQ-152 TRACKWOLF - Federation of American Scientists
The AN/TSQ-152 Special Purpose Receiving System (Trackwolf) provides Commander, U.S. Army Europe, with an organic capability to intercept, locate, exploit, or initially target sources of threat HF voice communications. Trackwolf is a high-frequency (HF) sky wave, intelligence, and emitter location system.
AN/TSQ-112通信侦察系统 - 百度百科
AN/TSQ-112通信侦察系统是是一套军用侦察系统。 ①频道可由微机控制、抗干扰能力强。 ②坚实轻便、适于携带。 ③窄频带和宽频带可自动互换,并可遥控操作。 ④通用性好,只要加上附件,就能从单人携带无线电台变成车载无线电台 AN/VRC-83 或可移动无线电台 AN/TRC-176 。 1991 年的海湾战争中,美特种部队装备该电台用于紧急空中支援通信。 实战证明,使用该型电台实施直接的地对空和岸对舰通信,可有效地协调火力支援行动,该无线电台是一种非常适合海 …