AN/UYK-20 - Wikipedia
The AN/UYK-20 "Data Processing Set" was a ruggedized small computer manufactured by Univac and used by the United States Navy for small and medium-sized shipboard and shore systems built in the 1970s.
the acquisition of tactical systems utilizing UYK-20 as a system component. Additional information was obtained by attending two AN/UYK-20 User's Group meetings. A minimal amount of laboratory experience was gained on the UYK-20 itself. 13
History of the AN/UYK-20(V) data processing system acquisition …
2014年12月31日 · AN/OYK-20 (V) Data Processing System. Lack of dedicated appropriated funds for procurement and support forced the Chief of Naval Material to tax the users of the system to obtain the necessary development and operational support funds. Premature delivery of the system to meet user schedules resulted in highly unreliable equipment being used in
战舰舰载计算机小考(一) - 知乎专栏
由于宙斯盾计划对数据处理量和处理速度要求极高,采用了使用集成电路的AN/UYK-7和UYK-20计算机作为作战系统的中心处理机,用于存储雷达和声纳等探测信息的分类、识别、相关及威胁估计等数据的处理和存储。 装载对象为:弗吉尼亚级核动力巡洋舰,尼米兹级核动力航空母舰以及斯普鲁恩斯级驱逐舰. 其相关二种计算机的具体性能见上述部分,本部分介绍后续升级型号所采用的计算机. AN / UYK-43: 由海军的NAVELEX,华盛顿的工程师以及全国各地的海军实验室构思的 …
AN/UYK-20 - IT History Society
The AN/UYK-20 "Data Processing Set" was a ruggedized small computer manufactured by Univac and used by the United States Navy for small and medium-sized shipboard and shore systems built in the 1970s.
univac :: military :: an uyk-20 :: N00039-73-C-0431 AN UYK-20 …
2018年4月27日 · From the bitsavers.org collection, a scanned-in computer-related document.univac :: military :: an uyk-20 :: N00039-73-C-0431 AN UYK-20 Technical Manual Volume... Skip to main content. We’re fighting to restore access to 500,000+ books in court this week. Join us! A line drawing of the Internet Archive headquarters building façade. ...
This report will specify the experiments to be performed in order to verify the theoretically derived capacity (power) characteristics for the AN/UYK-20 CP and peripherals. These experiments create. various of the conditions described by the capacity curves and.
use. The AN/UYK-7, AN/UYK-20, AN/UYK-43, and AN/UYK-44 are still the primary combat system com-puters deployed today (Fig. 1). They function at the heart of the Navy’s premier surface ships, merging infor-mation from sensor systems, providing displays and warnings to the crew, and controlling the use of weap-ons.
AN/UYK-20 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The AN/UYK-20 "Data Processing Set" was a ruggedized small computer manufactured by Univac and used by the United States Navy for small and medium-sized shipboard and shore systems built in the 1970s. It featured non-volatile magnetic core memory and was housed in a heavy-duty metal cube-shaped...
This is the final report for the study of AN/UYK-20 configuration capacity performed for the Naval Ocean Systems Center, San Diego, under Contract N6601-77-C-0252BW. Included in this report are the exposition of methodology for, and presentation of, theoretical capacity (power) equations and curves for typical AN/UYK-20 config-