Antonov An-32 - Wikipedia
The Antonov An-32 (NATO reporting name: Cline) is a turboprop twin-engined military transport aircraft. Its first flight was in July 1976 and displayed at the 1977 Paris Air Show . It is oriented towards flying in adverse weather conditions, and was produced from 1980 to …
安托諾夫An-32 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
1996年1月8日,非洲航空的一架An-32由于超载起飞失败,在刚果民主共和国金沙萨的机场跑道外的闹市区坠毁,导致地面237人死亡。 [23] 1998年3月22日,秘鲁空军的一架An-32单发失效,失控坠毁,21名乘客遇难。 [24]
安-32运输机 - 百度百科
安-32运输机是乌克兰的安东诺夫航空科研技术联合体研制的双发中短程运输机,是安-26的发展型。 安-32运输机于1976年首飞,1984年7月11日首批飞机向印度交付。
安托諾夫An-32 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
1996年1月8日,非洲航空的一架An-32由於超載起飛失敗,在剛果民主共和國金夏沙的機場跑道外的鬧市區墜毀,導致地面237人死亡。 [ 23 ] 1998年3月22日,秘魯空軍的一架An-32單發失效,失控墜毀,21名乘客遇難。
АN-32 - Antonov
The AN-32 multipurpose transport airplane was developed under order of the Indian Air Force on the basis of the AN-26 aircraft and differs from the latter in more powerful engines, enhanced wing high-lift devices and roller track equipment installed in the airplane.
Antonov An-32 Light Multipurpose Transport Aircraft - Air Force …
2020年9月15日 · An-32 is a twin engine, tactical light transport aircraft designed and manufactured by Antonov Design Bureau of Ukraine for the Indian Air Force (IAF). Its Nato reporting name is Cline. The An-32 is derived from the An-26 transport aircraft.
An-32 - 百度百科
Antonov An-32 - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History - Aero Corner
The Antonov An-32 is a Soviet/Ukrainian twin turboprop military transport aircraft. The An-32 is powered by two Ivchenko AI-20KM radial engines and has an operational range of 2000 km (1200 miles) with a capacity for 9,000 kg (19,840 lb).
ANTONOV An-32 Sutlej - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
ANTONOV An-32 Firekiller. ANTONOV Firekiller. ANTONOV Sutlej. AN32 Regional freighter. In service since 1976. High altitude version of AN26, more powerful and with better performance. Technical Data. Wing span (metric) 29.20 m. Length (metric) 23.70 m. …
深度解析美军舰载AN/SLQ-32(V)系列电子战系统发展历程及战 …
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