Antonov An-38 - Wikipedia
The Antonov An-38 is a stretched and upgraded version of Antonov's earlier An-28. It is a twin-engined turboprop transport aircraft, designed by the Antonov Design Bureau in Kyiv, Ukraine. Production is in Novosibirsk, Russia, but some crucial parts are also made in …
安-38多用途支线运输机 - 百度百科
安-38是 乌克兰共和国 安东诺夫航空科研技术联合体研制的双发涡桨轻型多用途支线飞机,由安-28发展而来,采用了新的发动机,加长的机身,装有气象雷达和飞行自动控制系统,机轮或滑撬能在未铺设跑道和-50℃~+45℃的环境下使用。使用寿命3000小时,飞行的 ...
安托诺夫An-38 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
安东诺夫安-38 / Antonov An-38 / Ан-38 - 中英俄文维基百科词条 …
2025年2月15日 · The Antonov An-38 is a stretched and upgraded version of Antonov's earlier An-28. It is a twin-engined turboprop transport aircraft, designed by the Antonov Design Bureau in Kyiv, Ukraine. Production is in Novosibirsk, Russia, but some crucial parts are also made in Ukraine and Belarus.
АN-38 - Antonov
The AN-38-100 is designed to carry 27 passengers at a maximum speed of 405 km/h over a distance of 900 km. Maximum carrying capacity: 2500 kg. The airplane can be operated in a wide range of temperatures: from -50ºС to + 45°С at small aerodromes including unpaved, ice- and snow-covered airfields.
安托諾夫An-38 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
安託諾夫An-38 - 中文百科 - wikis.tw
安托諾夫An-38是早期的An-28客機的加長升級版,是一款雙渦輪螺旋槳支線客機,由烏克蘭基輔的安托諾夫安設計局所開發。 生產基地為俄羅斯新西伯利亞,但關鍵零組件仍來自於烏克蘭與白俄羅斯。
Antonov An-38 - ZborDirect
The Antonov An-38 is a stretched and upgraded version of Antonov's earlier An-28. It is a twin-engined turboprop transport aircraft, designed by the Antonov Design Bureau in Kyiv, Ukraine. Production is in Novosibirsk, Russia, but some crucial parts are also made in …
安-38多用途支线运输机介绍 - 机型图片 - 舱位分布 - 中国航空旅游网
安-38是乌克兰共和国安东诺夫航空科研技术联合体研制的双发涡桨轻型多用途支线飞机,由安-28发展而来,采用了新的发动机,加长的机身, 中国航空旅游网欢迎您!
Antonov An-38 - Airliners.net
The An-38 has weather radar and an integrated navigation system and can be operated by night and in adverse weather. It can be equipped with Western or CIS avionics. Apart from passenger and cargo configuration, the multirole An-38 can also be equipped for forest patrol, aerial photography, survey, fishery patrol, ambulance, VIP transport and ...