Antonov An-74 - Wikipedia
The Antonov An-74 (Russian: Антонов Ан-74, NATO reporting name: Coaler) is a Soviet/Ukrainian transport aircraft developed by Antonov. It is a development of the An-72, …
安74 - 百度百科
安-74是乌克兰安东诺夫航空科研技术联合体(原苏联安东诺夫试验设计局)研制的双发短距起落运输机,1984年2月安-74作极地运输机首次披露,1986年7月在加拿大航展上公开露面,1993 …
AN-74 - Antonov
The AN-74 is a modification of the AN-72 airplane. It is intended for ice patrol and transportation missions in support of scientific research operations in the Central Arctic Basin and in the …
An-74 - 百度百科
An-74是1984年 安东诺夫设计局 设计的短距起落运输机,于1986年7月28日在 加拿大温哥华 展出。 该机主要用于南、北极地区,装有带雪撬的机轮,可在冰雪上降落。 它是一种 全天候飞 …
他山之石可以攻玉——安-72/安-74短距起降运输机 - 搜狐
2019年12月7日 · 20世纪70年代,苏联空军命令安东诺夫设计局研制一种具备出色短距起降能力的双发涡扇轻型军用运输机,其成果就是采用上表面吹气(usb)技术的安-72/安-74。
Antonov An-74 - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History - Aero Corner
The Antonov An-74 is a military transport aircraft that can be used for both cargo and passengers. It was originally created by the Antonov Design Bureau, which has been in operation since …
AN-74 - Airborne
The An-74 is a Ukrainian transport two-engine aircraft, developed by the Antonov Design Bureau. The An-74 was initially an upgrade of the An-72 test aircraft, intended to be used in the Arctic …
Antonov An-72/74 - Airliners.net
The most significant design feature of the An-72 and An-74 is the use of the Coanda effect to improve STOL performance, which utilises engine exhaust gases blown over the wing's upper …
An-74 is a Ukrainian transport aircraft, developed by Antonov Design Bureau. The An-74 was initially an upgrade of the An-72 test aircraft, intended to be used in the Arctic and Antarctica; …
An-74 - Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation
2024年3月5日 · The An-72/74, powered by D-36 series 2A engines, is an aircraft optimized for operations in cold climate supporting search and rescue, reconnaissance and transport …