no connection Anafi and controller | Parrot Pilots Drone Forum
2018年10月24日 · Then pair your drone to controller using cable 1. Power your ANAFI series drone on. 2. Open the Parrot Skycontroller 3 to power it on. 3. Plug the drone and the controller together with an USB-A (controller) to USB-C (drone) cable. 4. The LED of the Parrot Skycontroller 3 flashes briefly in green: it is acknowledging your ANAFI series drone. 5.
Anafi not Initiating after switching on? - Parrot Pilots Drone Forum
2019年2月22日 · Parrot refused to warranty my first drone because they would not accept my proof of purchase even though I registered it over the phone on the day of the release. Since the website still didn’t even have an Anafi page in the beginning, beta testers like me established phone and email communication with Parrot engineers.
Master Thread for Rumored (or genuine) Anafi Signal Booster Mods
2018年10月16日 · Hi everyone! There is a lot of speculation on who might be making signal boosters for the Anafi, and most comments seem to be scattered around the forum. I thought I would make one post that brought all the current information together on Wifi/Range boosters for the Anafi. Here is what I've pulled together from your various comments: 1.
FreeFlight 6 not detecting Anafi | Parrot Pilots Drone Forum
2023年12月28日 · Skydrreamer is correct you’re using the wrong version of FF6 don’t use the USA version, Anafi USA is a different model drone. For standard Anafi 4k you should use ver 6.7.6. Link below and this should resolve your issue. FreeFlight 6 this is version 6.7.5 for IOS devices For Android devices use 6.7.6 below
Repair guide for your Anafi. | Parrot Pilots Drone Forum
2018年8月5日 · Parrot surprises me happily time after time. Now with a description of how an Anafi is separated and reassembled. We just need to be able to buy spare parts from Parrot to become a DIY repair !!! Found the wizard on their UK support page: Products Regards Leif.
anafi Drone, cannot takeoff - Parrot Pilots Drone Forum
2019年8月23日 · whenever I connect to the drone, the drone dose check all 4 motors and the camera gymbol normally, but after that I face following issues:-1.When I press '' takeoff '' on the app or on the controller, nothing happens, the drone does not takeoff. 2. The drone's battery icon shows 100% all the time even if it is not fully charged. 3.
Anafi Ai Real-World Performance | Parrot Pilots Drone Forum
2022年6月20日 · A few points noted about Anafi Ai performance: 1. Very good flight characteristics, steady, no problem in 20 KM/H wind for example. 2. Obstacle avoidance works very well, a bit of practice and attention to detail and it's impressive. 3. Video quality is outstanding (dawn to dusk), the...
My First Map With The Anafi | Parrot Pilots Drone Forum
2019年3月5日 · Here is a little tutorial that we made up to help us do mapping with the Autel X-Star. All the camera settings will not be the same on the Anafi but it will give you an idea of what is needed to make a good map in Dronedeploy. If you can find the proper camera settings this will help you out making your first map.
problem gimbal Anafi - Parrot Pilots Drone Forum
2021年9月16日 · Anafi repaired! 2 wires connect gimbal to mother card. The green wire was disconnected, just push it and Mamamia!, Anafi and the gimbal are working good! Reactions: Gipsz Jakab , grifstoy , keybo and 3 others
Anafi won't take off. Blue light flashing - Parrot Pilots Drone Forum
2023年1月5日 · Hello, I have a problem with my Anafi which is driving me nuts, and maybe I am not the only one in this situation. Once everything is set up and ready to go, I click the takeoff button and the drone does not take off. The blue light on the bottom of the drone starts to flash, but nothing happens. The motors don't even try to move, nothing.