Can you use "anata" with people you don't know well?
2019年1月29日 · (Most of these will come across as somewhat familiar, and so might not be a great choice in all situations, but they can definitely be more natural than "anata" depending on …
Can ''onamae'' be used in the middle of a sentence?
2019年10月16日 · Anata no namae wa nan desu ka? My question is whether or not the following is ever used: Anata no onamae wa nan desu ka? I understand fully the meaning of the …
particles - anata no koto suki vs anata ga suki - Japanese …
Possible Duplicate: What is the こと in sentences such as あなたのことが好きだ? What are the guidelines of omitting particles? It is possible to say both of these: あなたが好きです あなたの …
Why does the sentence "Omo wa anata to tomoni oraremasu" use …
2023年8月8日 · By not write I mean handwriting, I can type them pretty easily. The problem is that this にほn n doesn't change to its kana form and n doesn't appear in the suggestions I dunno …
grammar - あなたの仕事なんですか?Anata no shigoto nan desu …
あなたの仕事なんですか? Anata no shigoto nan desu ka? Is this correct grammatically? I understand that "no" means possession, therefore "your job" is this correct thinking? Also, I …
Asking somebody's name - Japanese Language Stack Exchange
2016年3月29日 · and "Anata no namae wa nan desu ka?" – user3856370. Commented Mar 29, 2016 at 11:41. Add a comment | 2 ...
particles - When asking 'What is your name?' or 'What is your job ...
Anata wa shigoto desu ka? marks "you" as the topic and is wrong. It's basically saying "About you, are you work?" † In the context of this question at least, see comments.
grammar - 'nihongo ga wakarimasen' vs 'nihongo wo …
I'm afraid this question might be basic knowledge, but for the life of me, I cannot figure it out: So most of us know the phrase 'nihongo ga wakarimasen' (meaning: I don't understand japanese) …
usage - Is it offensive to say あなた? - Japanese Language Stack ...
Using either (name)-san, or "anata" is the most safe/inoffensive way of referring to second person in Japanese. However, it is considered rude if used to refer to parents, relatives, or teachers. …
grammar - What do arimasu and imasu mean in sentences?
2022年3月8日 · Anata no gakkou ni Nani ga arimasu ka? Anata no ie ni Nani ga arimasu ka? Doubutsuen ni Nani ga imasu ka? I know it’s a translation but I really tried all I could to …