Andean guan - Wikipedia
The Andean guan (Penelope montagnii) is a gamefowl species of the family Cracidae, in which it belongs to the guan subfamily Penelopinae. This bird occurs in the highlands (5,000 ft/1,500 m ASL and higher) of the Andes, from Venezuela and Colombia through Ecuador and Peru south to Bolivia and perhaps northwesternmost Argentina. [2]
Andean Guan - eBird
Large chickenlike bird widespread in the Andes from Venezuela to Bolivia. Found at higher elevations than most other guans; from the upper subtropics to the temperate zone. Rather dull brown overall with distinct frosty-white chevrons and streaks covering head and breast. Slightly warmer rufous on lower belly. Reddish legs. Sexes alike.
Andean Guan – Birds of Colombia
The Andean Guan is a large bird with a striking appearance. It has a black body with white spotting, a red dewlap, and a bushy crest. The tail is long and brown with white-tipped feathers. The bright colors and patterns make it an eye-catching species.
安第斯冠雉 - 百度百科
安第斯冠雉是鸟纲今鸟亚纲今颚总目鸡形目凤冠雉科生物。 分布于南美洲。
Andean Guan - Penelope montagnii - Birds of the World
2020年3月4日 · Andean Guan Penelope montagnii Scientific name definitions. LC Least Concern; Names (27) Subspecies (5)
Andean Guan (Penelope montagnii) - iNaturalist
The Andean guan (Penelope montagnii) is a gamefowl species of the family Cracidae, in which it belongs to the guan subfamily Penelopinae. This bird occurs in the highlands (5,000 ft/1,500 m ASL and higher) of the Andes, from Venezuela and Colombia through Ecuador and Peru south to Bolivia and perhaps northwesternmost Argentina.
安第斯冠雉 - Andean Guan - Penelope montagnii - 懂鸟 - 鸟类图 …
安第斯冠雉(英文名:Andean Guan,学名:Penelope montagnii),是鸡形目凤冠雉科冠雉属的鸟类。体型较大的雉类,广泛分布在南美洲安第斯山脉,从委内瑞拉至玻利维亚。
Pava Andina/Andean Guan/Penelope montagnii - Birds Colombia
2016年5月28日 · The Andean guan (Penelope montagnii) is a gamefowl species of the family Cracidae, in which it belongs to the guan subfamilyPenelopinae. This bird occurs in the highlands (5,000 ft/1,500 m ASL and higher) of the Andes, from Venezuela and Colombia throughEcuador and Peru south to Bolivia and perhaps northwesternmost Argentina.
安第斯冠雉(英文名:Andean Guan,学名:Penelope montagnii),是鸡形目凤冠雉科冠雉属的鸟类。 地理分布:南美:哥伦比亚至玻利维亚 分布于南美洲(包括哥伦比亚、委内瑞拉、圭亚那、苏里南、厄瓜多尔、秘鲁、玻利维亚、巴拉圭、巴西、智利、阿根廷、乌拉圭 ...
Andean Guan / Penelope montagnii – World Bird Names
(Cracidae; Ϯ Marail Guan P. marail) Probably arbitrary, from Gr. myth. Penelope, a Greek princess, daughter of Icarius and wife of Ulysses, King of Ithaca, and who spun a braided web or tapestry to deceive many importunate admirers during the long absence of her husband at the siege of Troy. She had promised to choose amongst them upon the ...