Andesite - Wikipedia
Andesite (/ ˈ æ n d ə z aɪ t /) [1] is a volcanic rock of intermediate composition.In a general sense, it is the intermediate type between silica-poor basalt and silica-rich rhyolite.It is fine-grained to porphyritic in texture, and is composed predominantly of sodium-rich plagioclase plus pyroxene or hornblende.[2]Andesite is the extrusive equivalent of plutonic diorite.
Andezit – Wikipédia
Az andezit olyan kőzettípus, amely más bolygón is megtalálható a Naprendszerben. Ma már a Marsról is ismerünk andezites összetételű kőzeteket a MER űrszondák mérései alapján. A meteoritok körében is találtak már olyan ásványtársulást, amelyik andezites jellegű.
Andesite: Igneous Rock - Pictures, Definition & More - Geology.com
What is Andesite? Andesite is the name of a family of fine-grained, extrusive igneous rocks that are usually light to dark gray in color. They have a mineral composition that is intermediate between granite and basalt.Andesite is a rock typically found in volcanoes above convergent plate boundaries between continental and oceanic plates.
Andesite | Properties, Composition, Formation, Uses - Geology …
2023年9月4日 · According to modal composition projected within the QAPF discrimination diagram for volcanic rock (Streckeisen, 1978), the andesite project within basalt field. However, the andezit has higher SiO2 content (> 52 wt. %) compared to …
Andezit – Wikipedie
Andezit (též islandit) je výlevná magmatická hornina s častými porfyrickými vyrostlicemi minerálů. Název horniny je odvozen od pohoří Andy, kde se často vyskytuje. Andezitové lávy eruptují s teplotou 900 až 1100 °C, jejich erupce jsou často explozivní. Jeho hlubinným ekvivalentem je diorit, do jehož skupiny je řazen.
Andezit - Wikipedia
„Soarele” de andezit din Sarmizegetusa Regia. Andezitul (sau Islanditul) este o rocă magmatică rezultată prin erupție vulcanică, având o granulație fină, de culoare brună, violetă, până la cenușie. În compoziția chimică a rocii predomină dioxid de siliciu (ca. 60 %).
Everything You Ought to Know about Andesite Rock - Geology Base
2023年7月3日 · Andesite is a fine-grained, intermediate volcanic or extrusive igneous rock. Its composition lies between basalt and dacite, and it has mainly sodium-rich plagioclase and one or more mafic minerals, especially pyroxenes or hornblende.. As McBirney (1989) narrates, Leopold Von Buch coined the term andesite in 1827 to describe …
Andezit – Wikipedija
Andezit je neutralna vulkanska eruptivna stijena. [1] Sastoji se od natrijevih i kalcijskih plagioklasa i bojenih minerala. Nastaje miješanjem magma. To se javlja u nižim razinama Zemljine kore. Ovo se općenito smatra jednim od primarnih mehanizama kojim nastaju neutralne stijene kao što su monzonit i andezit.
Andesite - Geology Hub
1. Definition and Composition of Andesite 1.1 What is Andesite? Andesite is a fine-grained volcanic rock (aphanitic texture) that forms through the rapid cooling of magma at the Earth’s surface. Its silica content ranges from 57-63%, placing it between the mafic and felsic rocks. This intermediate silica content gives andesite physical and …
Andezit | Vlastnosti, složení, tvorba, použití
2023年9月4日 · Andezit je vulkanický ekvivalent diorit. Skládá se z plagioklasu živec minerály andezin a oligoklas spolu s jedním nebo více tmavými feromagnesiovými minerály, jako je např pyroxen si biotit. Amygdaloidní andezit se vyskytuje, když jsou dutiny zanechané plynovými bublinami v tuhnoucím magmatu později vyplněny, často zeolit ...