约 118,000 个结果
  1. [2304.07012] A gentle introduction to Drinfel'd associators

  2. Andrea Rivezzi‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

  3. Andrea RIVEZZI | Postdoctoral researcher | PhD | Charles …

  4. Andrea Rivezzi, Ph.D. | Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

  5. NCG&T Prague – Noncommutative Geometry and Topology …

  6. [2404.16786] On the universal Drinfeld-Yetter algebra - arXiv.org

  7. Andrea Rivezzi's personal webpage - Research - Google Sites

  8. ANDREA RIVEZZI (0000-0002-2356-9887) - ORCID

  9. Andrea Rivezzi | Semantic Scholar