The Timeless Beauty of the Anemone Plant – TN Nursery
The plant serves as an essential host plant for larvae of rare moth and butterfly species which boosts butterfly conservation efforts. Birds in specific regions feed on its seeds, which demonstrates its ecological importance.
一周一花 欧洲银莲花 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在 古希腊神话 中, 西风之神 仄(zè)费罗斯(Zephyr)爱上了 花神芙洛拉 (Flora)的侍女阿莲莫莲(Anemone),芙洛拉以为经常往她这边跑的西风之神爱上的是自己,后来才知风神原来爱的是阿莲莫莲,于是出于气愤的芙洛拉把阿莲莫莲从自己的住处赶了出去 ...
Scientists confirm new invasive species of anemone in U.S. on …
2025年2月18日 · A common inhabitant of the rocky coastlines of the British Isles and Northern Europe, the anemone has found a new home which bears some similarities—the jetties that protrude into the waters of...
Urticina crassicornis - Wikipedia
Urticina crassicornis, commonly known as the mottled anemone, the painted anemone or the Christmas anemone, is a large and common intertidal and subtidal species of sea anemone. Its habitat includes a large portion of the coastal areas of the northern hemisphere, mainly polar regions, and it lives a solitary life for up to 80 years. [ 1 ]
Anemone - Wikipedia
Anemone (/ ə ˈ n ɛ m ə n iː /) is a genus of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae.Plants of the genus are commonly called windflowers. [2] They are native to the temperate and subtropical regions of all regions except Australia, New Zealand, and Antarctica. [1] The genus is closely related to several other genera including Anemonoides, Anemonastrum, Hepatica, and Pulsatilla.
Anemone canadensis - New England Wild Flower Society
Wildlife Benefits: Host plant for the veiled ear moth (Loscopia velata) and the one-lined Sparganothis (Sparganothis unifasciana). Also provides pollen to a wide variety of native bees. Other Practical/Environmental Benefits: Useful for erosion control. Attracts predatory and parasitoid wasps that prey on common insect pests.
Native Plant Profile: Wood Anemone (Anemone Quinquefolia)
2024年4月15日 · The wood anemone (Anemone quinquefolia) or eastern windflower is a perennial, herbaceous wildflower native to the eastern and central United States. It typically grows 6-12 inches tall, with delicate, 5-petaled white flowers that bloom in early spring.
Woodland Anemone – The Native Plant Gardener
2024年12月21日 · Today is was the lovely, but shy, Wood Anemone – Anemone Quinquefolia. This gorgeous spring bloomer is ideal for a moist shady garden that mimics it forest home. If you have such a setting, see if you can find some of this anemone to brighten up the shade.
Anemone open mouth question. need help please!!! - The Reef Tank
2013年3月9日 · mature tank with water par great except nitrate at 20-25 and I can't get them down for over a year or so. T5 lights (10" under) low water flow. I don't want to lose it as my maroon clown felt in love with it after 30 min and he won't leave!!!! I cannot see any picture but an open mouth is a bad sign. Usually means low levels of NH3 or NO2-.
How to Grow and Care for Anemone (Windflower) - The Spruce
2024年2月6日 · Anemone (Anemone spp.), also known as windflower, is an easy-to-grow perennial that lends airy color to the garden. Learn about the many types.