Ang Wei Lun - Google Scholar
Ang Wei Lun. Senior Lecturer, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Verified email at ukm.edu.my. ... AW Mohammad, YH Teow, WL Ang, YT Chung, DL Oatley-Radcliffe, ... Desalination 356, 226-254, 2015. 2058: 2015: A review on the applicability of integrated/hybrid membrane processes in water treatment and desalination plants.
Dr. Ang currently serves as a senior lecturer in the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering at UKM. Having earned his Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Hons) from UKM in 2012, he furthered his academic journey at the same institution, completing his Ph.D. in 2016 with a focus on integrated membrane processes for water treatment.
Wei Lun ANG | Senior Lecturer | PhD Chemical Engineering
Wei Lun ANG, Senior Lecturer | Cited by 3,754 | of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (ukm) | Read 104 publications | Contact Wei Lun ANG
Dr. Ang Wei Lun - Department of Chemical and Process Engineering
Dr. Ang Wei Lun Program Coordinator (MEng - Environmental Engineering) 03-8921 6501; [email protected]; BEng (UKM), PhD (UKM) Membrane Separation Technology; Integrated Water/Wastewater Reclamation Process; Multifunctional and Fluorescent Nanomaterials; Adsorption; Electrochemical Oxidation
Sistem UKM Sarjana
Dr. Ang currently serves as a senior lecturer in the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering at UKM. Having earned his Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (Hons) from UKM in 2012, he furthered his academic journey at the same institution, completing his Ph.D. in 2016 with a focus on integrated membrane processes for water treatment.
Lecturer – Department of Engineering Education - UKM
Dr. Ang Wei Lun Lecturer; 03-8921-5555; [email protected]; Expertise . 1. Membrane Technology 2. Water and Wastewater Treatment 3. Integrated and Sustainable Process Design 4. Process Optimization and Simulation 5. Engineering Education
Ang Wei Lun - Senior Lecturer - The National University of Mal
Lihat profil Ang Wei Lun di LinkedIn, komuniti profesional dengan seramai 1 bilion ahli. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (The National University of Malaysia) · I have a great...
- 职位: Universiti Kebangsaan …
- 位置: The National University of Mal
Wei Lun Ang (0000-0002-4946-6798) - ORCID
Contributors: Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia; Osamah A.H. AL-Musawi; Abdul Wahab Mohammad; Chemical and Water Desalination Engineering Program, College of Engineering, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, 27272, United Arab Emirates; Wei Lun Ang; Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, Faculty of ...
Staf – Research Centre for Sustainable Process Technology - UKM
Dr. Ang Wei Lun +603-89118346; [email protected]; Membrane Technology, Water Treatment, Desalination, Electrochemical Process, Coagulation, Process Integration and Optimization. Google Scholar
Ang Wei Lun - YouTube
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