Anatomically Correct Angels - Worldbuilding Stack Exchange
2015年9月11日 · The angel's bones will be hollow, which should reduce its weight by about 10%, so it will weight 55.8 kg. I am going to be basing the wings off of a golden eagle 's. A golden eagle has a wing loading of 7.08 kg/m², in order to get an angel to fly, it …
science based - Would this winged human/angel be able to fly ...
2019年8月5日 · However, there are two circumstances under which having this anatomy could result in a being capable of powered, independent flight: The first is by reducing the scale of the winged humanoid, the second is by reducing the gravity of …
The Four-Winged Angel - Worldbuilding Stack Exchange
2016年4月12日 · So an angel or other creature like this would clearly show that flight is an accidental possibility of anatomy evolved for other purposes, only slightly evolved toward that new direction. This might also have compromised the old purposes, perhaps more significantly than the gain of new purpose.
How Would a Six-Winged Angel Fly? - Worldbuilding Stack …
2021年1月11日 · This image by the DeviantArtist "jerica128" presents what I believe to be the best demonstration of angel anatomy: Source for the image above. That said, they are actually not the only angels around. There are also the cherubim, who are described as having four wings.
The Two Types of Angels - Worldbuilding Stack Exchange
2016年4月23日 · The anatomy of body structures are lightweight (e.g. low body fat, bones less dense, limbs and necks are long and thin) despite the result of a fragile makeup. The biology of the creature minimizes carrying extra weight (e.g. laying eggs rather than carrying a pregnancy, eating smaller meals more often rather than gorging on a large meal ...
The Angel--Let's Get Real, Shall We? [duplicate]
2016年9月22日 · The classic angel, on the other hand, are coated in feathers. They have not the traditional two wings, but four, just like the ancient dinosaur Microraptor. They are also smaller--whereas the average male common angel is 5'2" in height, the average male classic angel is 5'0". (Females from both groups are 3/4 the male's size.)
science based - The effects of tearing the wings off an angel ...
2018年4月23日 · Your angel is used to the wings. Point is - When a change that drastic happens, yes, your angel will be affected. He will have a hard time walking, and also with other physical activities. Mental Problems. Another aspect is mental reaction. Your angel suffered a severe trauma, and that tends to leave a mark on one's mind as well as on the body.
science based - What does the anatomy of a fairy (10-20 inches …
2019年10月14日 · Let's assume a size of 18 inches and compare to a 6-foot human. This is one-quarter the size, meaning one-64th the weight, all else being equal, for a mass of 2.5 to 3 lbs, or roughly twice the weight of a raven.
How would angels maintain their wings, would they even need to?
2022年4月8日 · A Note on Anatomy: Depending on the anatomical structure of your Angels' wings, some of the above information may vary. A Tana's wing anatomy closely mirrors that of his arms and legs, as you'll see in the final image. The wing is …
How would the anatomy of a metal-eating bug work out?
Background: The creature is bug-like, and similar to an armadillo in size. Its diet consists of metal, and is found underground in large colonies. It uses the metal it ingests to: Enhance it's sh...