Angel Gang - Judge Dredd Wiki
The Angel Gang are the most infamous and feared band of thugs ever to come out of Texas City, the Angel Gang were responsible for a near endless string of crimes with one overriding common factor...
Angel Gang - Villains Wiki
The Angel Gang is a fictional group of villains appearing within the Judge Dredd comic strip in the weekly comic book 2000 AD. They are "a family of scruffy, backwoodsy, outrageously cruel thugs" from the Cursed Earth near Texas City who vie with the titular Judge Dredd.
Angel Gang (Cannon Films) | Judge Dredd Wiki | Fandom
The Angel Gang appeared in 1995's Judge Dredd as an infamous and feared group of criminals who are responsible for a near endless string of crimes with a trademark for zealotry and being unnecessarily violent in their dealings.
Mean Angel | Judge Dredd Wiki | Fandom
Mean "Mean Machine" Angel is a member of the Angel Gang and one of the sons of Elmer "Pa" Angel. He is nicknamed "Butting Man" for his favourite attack, a vicious headbutt with his metal plate. His famous dial has four settings: 1, where he's surly and disagreeable; 2, where he's mean; 3, where he's vicious; and 4, which is when he is brutal.
Angel Gang (Team) - Comic Vine
From the 2000AD and Megazine story world of Judge Dredd - The Angel Gang are a murderous family led by patriarch Pa Angel. The family members are: Fink Angel (The Fink)
Mean Machine (Character) - Comic Vine
Mean Machine appeared in the 1995 Judge Dredd movie alongside the rest of the Angel Gang. He was played by Christopher Adamson. The Angel Gang are a murderous family clan from Texas City.
Mean “Machine” Angel – Who's Who
2023年11月2日 · The last member of the Angel Gang, and also the last character from the comics appearing in Judge Dredd (if I missed anybody, let me know in the usual place) is also the most iconic one: the hulking and cybernetic Mean Machine. Portrayed by Christopher Adamson, he's the toughest one of the bunch, who kills…
Angel Gang - Albion British Comics Database Wiki
The Angel Gang (who occasionally have their own strip in the Judge Dredd Megazine) were a family of desperadoes from the Cursed Earth first introduced to readers of 2000 AD during the Judge Dredd epic The Judge Child Quest. Denizens of the radioactive badlands beyond Mega-City One, they were a...
The Angel Gang - 2kstages.github.io
The Angel Gang. Used as something of a throwaway foil in The Judge Child quest, Dredd (once he catches up with them) makes short work of this evil, self-serving Cursed Earth family (made up of Pa, Junior, Link and Mean).
Angel Gang of 2000 AD - Rebellion - League of Comic Geeks
The Angel Gang are the most infamous and feared band of thugs ever to come out of Texas City, they were responsible for a near endless string of crimes with one overriding common factor - they were all quite unnecessarily violent.