Angrite - Wikipedia
Angrites are a rare group of achondrites consisting mostly of Al-Ti bearing diopside, hedenbergite, olivine, anorthite and troilite with minor traces of phosphate and metals. The group is named for the Angra dos Reis meteorite. They are the oldest igneous rocks, with crystallization ages of around 4.56 billion years.
科普:太阳系古老的火成岩——钛辉无球粒陨石 (Angrites)
钛辉无球粒陨石(Angrites)是以 1869年1月20日 (具体日期已不可知) 目击降落 于巴西里约热内卢的 Angra dos Reis 陨石为该类群的特征标本和定名陨石,也是目前 全球唯一目击降落的Angrites群陨石。
Angrites, a small but diverse suite of ancient, silica-undersaturated ...
2012年9月1日 · The angrites are amongst the oldest basaltic rocks in the Solar System, and Pb-Pb ages show that the slowly cooled plutonic angrites have younger ages ranging from ∼4558.86 ± 0.30 to 4557.65 ± 0.13 Ma, and the more quickly cooled volcanic angrites have older ages ranging from 4564.18 ± 0.14 to 4563.8 ± 0.4 Ma.
鈦輝無粒隕石 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
鈦輝無粒隕石 (Angrites)是一群罕見的 無粒隕石,其組成的 礦物 多數是 輝石 與一些 橄欖石 、 鈣長石 和 隕硫鐵。 這個群的名稱來自 安格拉杜斯雷斯隕石 (Angra dos Reis meteorite)。
Impact histories of angrites, eucrites, and their parent bodies
2011年11月14日 · Abstract– Eucrites, which are probably from 4 Vesta, and angrites are the two largest groups of basaltic meteorites from the asteroid belt. The parent body of the angrites is not known but it may have been comparable in size to Vesta …
Geochemistry and genesis of the angrites - ScienceDirect
1990年11月1日 · Enriching an ordinary chondrite parent body in a CAI component (e.g., 70% H/30% CAI; H7/3, solid square in figure) drives an ordinary chondrite parent body composition out of the "tholeiite" phase volume. The angrites plot near the olivine-diopside join, as do angrite pyroxenes (p) and olivines (o) and plagioclase (not shown).
Angrites, a small but diverse suite of ancient, silica-undersaturated ...
2012年9月1日 · Angrites are medium- to coarse-grained (up to 2–3 mm), unbrecciated and substantially unshocked igneous rocks of roughly basaltic composition. They are the most alkali-depleted basalts in the Solar System, but are not very depleted in moderately volatile elements such as Br, Se, S, Zn, In and Cd, and are relatively enriched in refractory ...
Angrites (Chapter 10) - Atlas of Meteorites
2021年11月11日 · Angrites are a group of basaltic achondrites with unusual mineralogy and ancient crystallization ages. They are ultramafic crustal rocks that have experienced no brecciation and little thermal or shock metamorphism [10.1].
無粒隕石 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
無粒隕石[1] 是沒有 球粒 的一種石 隕石 [2][3]。 它包含的成分與地球上的 玄武岩 或 火成岩 相似,並且曾在流星體母體內或本身經過不同程度的熔化和再結晶的 地質分異 作用 [4][5]。 因此,無粒隕石有不同的紋理和火成岩過程的礦物學特徵 [6]。 但非專業人士很難分辨無粒隕石與地球岩石,使它們被發現的機會大為減少。 無粒隕石佔所有 隕石 約8%,大部分(佔2/3)相信為源自 灶神星 的 HED隕石,其它種類的無粒隕石包括 火星隕石 、 月球隕石 、以及幾種相信源自 灶神星 …
Angrites (Synonyms: fassaite achondrites) General: The meteorites of this group are named for their type specimen, Angra Dos Reis, a fassaite-rich achondrite that fell near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in early 1869. During the last three decades, a few similar achondrites have been found, leading to the establishment of this most interesting group.
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