Animab • Cutting-edge biotechnology for better animal …
Through its antibody-based approach that targets intestinal pathogens, Animab helps protect piglets during their most fragile post-weaning stage. Animab integrates cutting-edge research, …
Animab • A new class of monoclonal antibodies
The Animab product line is a cutting-edge class of orally administered antibodies designed to improve the performance of livestock animals. In an innovative approach, Animab prevents …
Animab • Ensuring the intestinal health of piglets
Animab offers a safe and sustainable way to protect piglets' intestinal health during the vital post-weaning stage. Our proprietary antibodies mimic secretory IgA, a type of natural antibody …
Animab - LinkedIn
Cutting-edge biotechnology for better animal performance | Animab is a new venture designed to address the changing needs of animal production. Using proprietary research discoveries, …
Animab - VentureRadar
"Animab, a venture spin-off from VIB, builds on a proprietary platform technology enabling efficient generation of monoclonal antibodies to prevent intestinal infections in animal …
Animab – Startups.Bio
Founded in 2020 as a spin-off from VBI in Belgium, Animab builds on a proprietary platform technology that enables efficient generation of monoclonal antibodies to prevent intestinal …
Animab - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Animab is a biotechnology company specializing in proprietary technology that supports livestock health. Animab combines cutting-edge research, animal science, and biotechnology to create …
Anima: AI Design to Code | Figma to React | Figma to App / …
Generate, preview, and edit code instantly. Whether you're a designer who doesn't code, a developer who won’t design, or a founder with no time, we'll help you get your sh*t done. …
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阿尼玛(anima):荣格原型的重要理论,是每个 男人 心中都有的 女人 形象,是男人 心灵 中的女性成分。 在分析 心理 学理论中,阿尼玛(anima)由荣格首次发现并命名,一般指男人心目 …