Animated cursors and RAM - Microsoft Community
Animated cursors and RAM Our IT Security person at work is concerned that the animated cursors -- built in to Windows XP -- use more processor resources and RAM than regular cursors. Am talking about handwait.ani and stopwatch.ani -- which come with Windows.
Animated Cursors become a Still image with Windows 10
2017年10月28日 · Thanks Darian, A1: It does be a 3rd- party theme however they are only .ani files for the pointer. I just open the mouse settings in control panel and go to mouse pointer change the style one by one such as nomal, working, busy horizontal and etc.
Animated Mouse Cursors in Windows 10 - Microsoft Community
2019年1月15日 · I've been working on making some of my own very nice looking if i might add, mouse cursors for windows 10, however i am experiencing a TON of issues with assigning the .ani files for each state, but also my animations stop every once and while and then start and then stop and stay that way, then come back much later for who knows how long ...
animated cursors - Microsoft Community
2024年12月20日 · If you download .ani cursor files, you can just place them in your Cursors folder and they'll be ready to choose in your Mouse Pointers options. While cursor files are not inherently dangerous, it is always a good idea to use protection (especially when downloading files from the Internet).
Animated Cursor File Size Limit - Microsoft Community
2012年10月11日 · That application is quite nice. I have created quite a few pointers with it (including a birthday cake, which I had intended to animate, but didn't due to complexity, a small portion of the game Jumpman (animated), a small portion of Neopets' Meerca Chase (static), and some others). I lost the Jumpman pointer somehow, but I don't remember how.
Custom Cursors Animation Bug - Microsoft Community
2020年2月27日 · - All the cursor states are animated (.ani) including the Normal Select. - I have tried updating the mouse and display drivers, creating a new account, running troubleshoot, and trying on different computers (all are updated), still nothing. I have patiently waited and since installed every update available hoping that it will be fixed.
Animated cursor no longer works. - Microsoft Community
2016年6月25日 · So i am currently using windows 10 and i used the same trick for windows 7 to use animated cursors (custom cursors) and I've been using them for a couple of months now but for some reason recently they just don't work correctly anymore they work but they play the animation for 1-3 seconds and then stop for awhile and they go back to playing the ...
Please does anyone know how to convert an animated cursor …
2024年9月23日 · Locate the animated cursor section and record its timestamp for later extraction. 2. Record the animated cursor: Use screen recording software (such as OBS Studio or Camtasia) to record the screen. When playing a DVD, record the portion of the animated cursor. Make sure the recorded area contains only the cursor animation. 3. Save the recording ...
Animated cursor files. - Microsoft Community
2016年3月27日 · Animated cursor files. I have several animated cursors which had changed to a white rectangle when viewed under the respective folder (in my case 'My Themes' - themes which I have created) instead of seeing the image, I set a program to open them thinking it would return the image but now all I see is the icon for the program.
I want to customize/Animate my mouse pointer - Microsoft …
2009年11月17日 · On all my old P.C.'s they all have different pointer device options like Dinasores ,Horses,Butterflys.Miestero Animated & different coror schemes.This new P.C. Gateway dosent have but 3 schemes. Thats it! I want to to know if theirs a site I can download my own custom/personalised pointers & save/add to my P.C.