Ultraman another Japanese anime evil - The Landover Baptist …
2009年7月6日 · A place where parents can get good Godly advice on how to raise a family: how to properly administer corporal punishment, which movies to avoid, and more!
This Is Why Anime Is Evil! - The Landover Baptist Church Forum
2016年5月1日 · Re: This Is Why Anime Is Evil! Between the pekajew telling boys to covet balls, the naval planet girls dressing like sluts, and the hentail tentacle sexual predators violating large eyed, small mouthed, ample breasted young women in every orifice (also done in live action movies I might add), anime totally warps the minds of those youths that watch it.
Nerima Daikon Brothers , truely evil animae - The Landover Baptist ...
2011年2月8日 · Nerima Daikon Brothers is sick disgusting perverted Jap porn! It is a cartoon, but it is full of homosexuality and beastiality! Yes, one of the characters sleeps with Pandas! And women want these white radishes for some reason. It is pure filth!
PROOF: That GOD Hates Sex Anime: GOD SMITES JAPAN!!! - The …
2011年3月11日 · Login or Sign Up Logging in... Remember me
Who Should Catch the Bridal Bouquet?
2008年6月14日 · Father, In Jesus' Name, I take the Blood of Jesus and break the power of all witches, warlocks, wizards, satanists, sorcerers, wiccans, pagans, and any other source, and all of their rituals off of us. With the Blood of Jesus, I erase all evil lines drawn on our liver. . . LANDOVER BAPTIST DEMON HUNTING PERMIT #00666-27 sigpic
Music that will send you to HELL - The Landover Baptist Church …
2010年7月15日 · Folks, I know there are a thousand threads on LBC about music, but I think this one may be VITAL to Saving our Souls! I want to compile a list of songs that could send you straight to HELL if you listen to them (accidentally or not). Please help with this important service by adding your addition. TRUE CHRISTIANS ONLY!
Pray for the OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) to fail
2011年1月16日 · Login or Sign Up Logging in... Remember me
Why do Liberals hate Glenn Beck? - The Landover Baptist Church …
2009年9月22日 · Republican, Libertarian, Constitution Party, Christian Restoration Party welcome. No liberals or Demonrats allowed.
Furries; the love child of Satan and anime - The Landover Baptist ...
2007年5月18日 · Furries; the love child of Satan and anime False Religions and Cults
PROOF that Yu-gi-oh leads to human sacrifice!
2008年1月11日 · Naturally, Yugi fans believe that their hero teaches good, not evil, beliefs and values. Are they right? Take a look at some scenes from the October 10th episode of the Yu-Gi-Oh anime. Yugi has been battling his enemy, Pegasus, whose powers have "overtaxed" his mind and caused his collapse. His friends fear his death ("I can't sense his spirit").