Aniraza vs Kefla - Battles - Comic Vine
2017年12月25日 · Aniraza was taking them all on. If it was just Kefla vs Aniraza, he could just spam those dimensional fists with no problem 6 years ago #4 Itachus17 @khael said:
Anilaza vs ss2 kefla vs god toppo - Battles - Comic Vine
2018年2月27日 · Aniraza is the weakest here. Between kefla and Toppo, Toppo would take it comfortably against Base Kefla and would beat SSJ Kefla, but if SSJ2 kefla goes all out from …
Kefla vs. Aniraza - Dragon Ball Universe - Comic Vine
2019年5月26日 · Aniraza takes this. All of U7 Combined attack would take destroy kefla while Aniraza held his own. 4 years ago 0 0 #3 Pandalumina Kefla should stomp 4 years ago 0 0 #4 …
Anilaza (Character) - Comic Vine
2020年11月2日 · A gigantic monstrosity who is Universe 3's strongest warrior. He is the fusion of Dr. Paparoni and his creations.
Anilaza vs Lord Beerus - Battles - Comic Vine
2017年12月25日 · Title says all. Anizala shows u pat Universe 7 wanting to creat havoc and Lord Beerus goes beat him.Rules:No hakaiVS
God Toppo vs Anilaza - Battles - Comic Vine
2018年1月28日 · God toppo, unless you say 17 > toppo. I think even base toppo could do this. Anizara was barely holding ssb goku (while not using kaioken, ssb vegeta (he was a little …
Aniraza & Kefla vs Toriko & Acacia - Battles - Comic Vine
2017年12月24日 · Aniraza was a beast in the 1 DBS episode he appeared in. He took on Goku,Vegeta, Gohan,17 and Frieza at the same time and he would've beat them if 17 hadn't …
Goku And Vegeta Vs Kefla And Aniraza!!! - Battles - Comic Vine
2018年1月21日 · Well Kefla is the strongest here and Aniraza probably the weakest, but so far was Vegeta not really impressive. Going with team 2.
Anilaza vs Super Saiyan Gogeta - Battles - Comic Vine
2020年11月9日 · vs Round 1: Super Saiyan GogetaRound 2: Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta Both In-CharacterRandom EncounterNo Prep or KnowledgeWin by Death, K.O, or BFRFight t
Anilaza vs Ultra Instinct Goku - Battles - Comic Vine
Goku stomps, Aniraza can't hit him at all and it will not take long until Goku hits him in the face regardless of knowledge or not. That weak spot is still the biggest joke of all time.