Agnilasa - Dragon Ball Wiki
Agnilasa, a character in Dragon Ball, is a large humanoid with unique physical characteristics. These include a lack of a visible nose, solid pink eyes without pupils, and whiter skin layers on the head, neck, shoulders, and chest. A large red gem, acting as an energy core and weak point, is located on its forehead.
Agnilasa | Dragon Ball Wiki Hispano | Fandom
Agnilasa (アニラーザAnirāza[1]¿?), también conocido como Anilaza[2], es el arma definitiva del Universo 3 y la unión androide originada por la fusión entre Paparoni y Koicealeta en el anime, mientras que en el manga se compone de Koitsukai, Pancea, Boraleta, Paparoni y Nigrissi del Equipo del Universo 3.
Aniraza (Aniraza) - Dragon Ball Verse - Superhero Database
Agnilasa proved to be more than a match for Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Android 17, and Android 18 combined. It nearly knocked Goku out the ring, forcing Frieza to get involved in the fight. It then launched an energy attack that forced Android 18 to sacrifice herself to save Android 17. Afterward, it increased its strength further and created wings.
Universe 7 all fighters full power Vs Universe 3 Anilaza - YouTube
2017年12月23日 · Dragon Ball Super Legendry Movement Universe 7 Combine attack against AnilazaDragon Ball Super Episode 121 |Universe 7 Vs Aniraza, Android 17 Attack to Anira...
Anilaza | Universal Dragon Ball Wiki | Fandom
Anilaza (アニラーザ Anirāza, Anilaza) is the result of the fusion between several members of Team Universe 3. In the Universal Conflict Saga of the Dragon Ball Heroes game, Anilaza appears as it's own entity, not as a fusion of others. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
Anilaza - The Character Database
2024年9月14日 · In the Universal Conflict Saga of Dragon Ball Heroes, Anilaza appears as a separate entity from Paparoni, suggesting that Paparoni is not essential for Anilaza’s formation. Anilaza is a gigantic humanoid creature with a distinct appearance: It has solid pink eyes with no pupils and no visible nose.
Anilaza | Videogaming Wiki | Fandom
Like most characters in the Dragon Ball series, Anilaza possesses the ability to manipulate Ki, an energy drawn from their life force. This augments their speed, strength and endurance above regular levels. They can channel their Ki into small energy blasts …
About Anilaza : r/dbz - Reddit
2018年2月27日 · Aniraza, even after creating that giant Supernova, was only barely overpowering 3 SSB tier and 2 SSBish fighters. Blue Goku with Kaioken x10 would make quick work of him.
‘DBS’ Reveals Universe 3’s Aniraza Final Form - YouTube
FOR DAILY DRAGON BALL SUPER UPDATES. SUBSCRIBE : https://goo.gl/FKK3L3⇨ Make sure to s...
Anilaza | Dragon Ball Wiki Brasil | Fandom
Anilaza é a união entre os quatro lutadores do Terceiro Universo, durante o Torneio do Poder. Anilaza é um monstro gigante de cabeça e peito branco, com barriga preta, e mãos e pernas roxas. Seu reator de energia é o cristal vermelho em sua testa, e suas orelhas emitem ondas ultrassônicas, permitindo que ele sinta o movimento ao seu redor.