Genetic model of carbonatite hosted rare earth elements …
2021年8月1日 · Ambadongar complex is having a high potential for REE production in India. Carbonatites and associated alkaline rocks are the primary sources for REE mineralization. The Ambadongar Carbonatite Complex (ADCC) from NW Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP) constitutes the largest Carbonatite Associated REE Deposits (CARD) in India.
REE geochemistry of auriferous quartz carbonate veins of …
2013年3月1日 · REE composition of the carbonates of the auriferous quartz carbonate veins (QCVs) of the Neoarchean Ajjanahalli gold deposit, Chitradurga schist belt, Dharwar Craton, is characterized by U-shaped chondrite normalized REE patterns with both LREE and HREE enrichment and a distinct positive Eu anomaly.
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Anki is a flashcard program that helps you spend more time on challenging material, and less on what you already know. Here are a few reasons why users love Anki. The free AnkiWeb synchronization service lets you sync your cards across devices. Audio, images, videos, and scientific markup can be used in your flashcards.
Angkor Resources Finds Rare Earth Elements on its Gossan Hills …
2021年11月16日 · GRANDE PRAIRIE, AB, (November 16, 2021): Angkor Resources Corp. (TSXV: ANK and OTC: ANKOF) (“Angkor” or “the Company”) announces exploration on its 100%-owned Andong Meas license in Cambodia has assayed 450 ppm in soils of Rare Earth Elements (REE) at the Gossan Hills Prospect.
(PDF) Genetic model of carbonatite hosted rare earth elements ...
Carbonatites and associated alkaline rocks are the primary sources for REE mineralization. The Ambadongar Carbonatite Complex (ADCC) from NW Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP) constitutes the largest Carbonatite Associated REE Deposits (CARD) in India.
dissolving alkali–REE-carbonates, as well as apatite and carbonate minerals. The REEs are then redistributed as REE-(fluor)carbonates and monazite. The Fe-bearing carbonates breakdown, leaving Fe and Mn (hydr)oxides. Mineral abbreviations: Cal = calcite; Dol = dolomite; Ank = ankerite; Sd = siderite; Str = strontianite; Ap =
Assays on Rare Earth from Gossan Hills, Cambodia
GRANDE PRAIRIE, AB, (Jan. 25, 2022): Angkor Resources Corp. (TSXV: ANK and OTCQB: ANKOF) (“Angkor” or “the Company”) reports it received the first 12 assays on rare earth elements (REEs) of samples from Gossan Hills prospect on …
Nb content distribution map and mineral composition of massive ...
Nb content distribution map and mineral composition of massive Fe-REE-Nb ore by μ-XRF scanning, indicating that the major niobium-bearing is columbite. Ank: ankerite; Ap: apatite; Col:...
Table 1 - A Major Light Rare-Earth Element (LREE) Resource
Early-formed minerals include dolomite, ankerite, barite, and strontianite. Mineral abbreviations: ank = ankerite, ank-dol = ankeritic-dolomite, ank-sid = ankerite-siderite, ba = barite, bio - biotite, cc = calcite, kh = khan- neshite-(Ce), str = strontianite. Fic. 3. Examples of type 2 mineralized igneous dikes in the zone of LREE-enrichment.
ANKRD1 aggravates renal ischaemia‒reperfusion injury via …
2024年9月17日 · Ankyrin repeat domain 1 (ANKRD1) is rapidly activated in renal ischaemia‒reperfusion injury (IRI) models in vivo and in vitro. ANKRD1 knockdown mitigates kidney damage and preserves renal function. Ferroptosis contributes to the deteriorating function of ANKRD1 in renal IRI.