Ankyrin - Wikipedia
The 24 tandem ankyrin repeats are responsible for the recognition of a wide range of membrane proteins. These 24 repeats contain 3 structurally distinct binding sites ranging from repeat 1-14. These binding sites are quasi-independent of each other and can be used in combination. The interactions the sites use to bind to membrane proteins are ...
锚蛋白 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
锚蛋白(ankyrin),是膜细胞骨架的重要组成部分。词源来自希腊语的“錨”ἄγκυρα(ankyra) [2] 。 他的作用是介导整合膜蛋白和血影蛋白以共通维持细胞膜骨架的完整性,同时固定各种膜间蛋白。. 锚蛋白具有与12个以上能供血影蛋白的 β 亚基和膜蛋白家族结合的位点。
Ankyrins: roles in synaptic biology and pathology - PMC
A. Ankyrins have a conserved function across many cell types; to link membrane proteins to the submembranous actin-spectrin cytoskeleton. B. The domain structure of ankyrin-G and ankyrin-B, the main ankyrins to have characterized functions at synapses. The domain structure is conserved across all ankyrins. 24 ankyrin repeats form the membrane binding domain which is the binding site for ...
Ankyrin protein networks in membrane formation and stabilization
Ankyrin functional domains. The membrane binding domain consists of 24 ANK repeats that mediate interactions with a variety of ion channels, transporters and cell adhesion molecules. Ankyrin interacts with the cytoskeleton viaβ-spectrin binding to the spectrin binding domain.The death and C-terminal domains comprise the C-terminal regulatory domain that governs ankyrin inter- and intra ...
Ankyrins in human health and disease - PubMed Central (PMC)
Ankyrin (ANK) domains and their ligands. The membrane binding domain binds to sodium calcium exchanger (NCX), inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptors (IP 3 R), sodium potassium adenosine triphosphatase (NKA), potassium voltage gated channel subunit 2/3 (KCNQ 2/3), voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSCs) as well as L1-cell adhesion molecules (L1 …
Human ankyrins and their contribution to disease biology: An …
2020年11月24日 · A 33-amino-acid sequence known as ankyrin repeats was first described in the Swi6p/cdc10p, a yeast cell cycle regulator and NOTCH, a Drosophila signalling protein (Breeden and Nasmyth 1987).A similar sequence was later identified in the cytoskeleton protein ankyrin which comprises 24 copies of such repeats (Lux et al. 1990).Ankyrin repeats are present in all the kingdoms such as archea ...
Ankyrin - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Introduction. Ankyrin is a binding protein linking structural proteins of the cytoplasm to spectrin, a protein present in the membrane cytoskeleton in human erythrocytes [1] that functions as an anchoring system to provide resistance to shear stress.A genetic defect in ankyrin production is associated with a hereditary form of hemolytic anemia, spherocytosis [2].
锚蛋白 - 百度百科
ankyrin 锚蛋白连接 整合膜蛋白 到 细胞骨架 蛋白网络,在多种细胞功能活动中起关键作用,参与机体生长、发育、细胞内蛋白转运、细胞极性的建立和维持、细胞黏附、信号传导以及mRNA转录等。
锚定蛋白- 生物百科 - 生物行
锚定蛋白(ankyrin) 又称2.1蛋白。锚定蛋白是一种比较大的细胞内连接蛋白, 每个红细胞约含10万个锚定蛋白,相对分子质量为215,000。 锚定蛋白一方面与血影蛋白相连, 另一方面与跨膜的带3蛋白的细胞质结构域部分相连, 这样,锚定蛋白借助于带3蛋白将血影蛋白连接到细胞膜上,也就将骨架 …
锚蛋白 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
锚蛋白(ankyrin),是膜细胞骨架的重要组成部分。词源来自希腊语的“锚”ἄγκυρα(ankyra) [2] 。 他的作用是介导整合膜蛋白和血影蛋白以共通维持细胞膜骨架的完整性,同时固定各种膜间蛋白。. 锚蛋白具有与12个以上能供血影蛋白的 β 亚基和膜蛋白家族结合的位点。
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