Anki - powerful, intelligent flashcards
Here are a few reasons why users love Anki. The free AnkiWeb synchronization service lets you sync your cards across devices. Audio, images, videos, and scientific markup can be used in your flashcards. Easily change your flashcard layouts and the timing of their reviews. Anki can handle decks of 100,000+ cards with no problems.
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Anki怎么用|小白anki安装使用指南+记忆库资源推荐 - 知乎
Anki 支持全平台同步运行,你可以在 Windows, Mac, Linux, 安卓、苹果 ios 以及网页浏览器上使用 Anki. Anki 使用 间隔重复算法,智能筛选记忆薄弱点,帮助大脑把痛苦的记忆过程变轻松。 Anki 卡片高度自定义化,可以随意添加文字、图片、音频、视频等。 本文第一部分介绍anki的下载安装与账号注册,第二部分讲解anki的基础用法,第三部分推荐优秀的anki记忆库牌组。 包教包会! 关注我的公众号【学英语那点事】,我把我整理好的Anki卡片全部分享给你。 安装anki. 首先, …
Ankylosaurus - ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
2015年6月2日 · Ankylosaurus is a species of medium, quadrupedal herbivore that inhabits the ARKs. Its skin is adorned with a thick coating of spikes, bony plates, osteoderms, and fused bone. The head has plentiful spikes, as well as a beak at the tip of the mouth and enlarged nasals.
Anki让记忆更轻松 - ankichina
1. Anki能做什么? 2. 如何下载下载与安装. 3. 卡片的获取与制作. 4. 如何实现快捷制卡.
Shark - Blox Fruits Wiki | Fandom
Shark (formerly known as Fishman) is one of the four races that players can spawn with upon joining the game for the first time. It has a 12.5% chance to be granted when they first join. This race provides massive damage reductions and the ability to swim in water without taking damage, which makes it the ultimate defense race.
Anki学习之路(02)|Anki下载、安装以及注册(超详细,多平台) …
因为应用商店有不少模仿Anki的软件,名字也差不多,这里列出 正版Anki的全称,以防 乌龙. Anki下载地址. 打开 Anki官网 ,再点击 图1 中的“ Download ”,见 图2,3。 下载对应版本的应用程序,但只能下载到 Windows (找到属于自己64位还是32位的版本)和 MAC 版的。 安卓 和 iOS 版本的需要到应用商店下载,安卓”酷安“下载页面见 图4, 苹果App store 见图5. 许多小伙伴说下载缓慢,可关注【我是阿雷】,后台回复: ”anki下载“ 获取。 苹果版Ank i需要在 APP Store 上花 …
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10000+ "flexi articulated dinosaur" printable 3D Models. Every Day new 3D Models from all over the World. Click to find the best Results for flexi articulated dinosaur Models for your 3D Printer.
Welcome to Anky | Anky
Anky is a celebration to the beginning of an era: AI fueled creativity. Each character's story was uniquely generated by chatGTP. Each image was uniquely generated with midjourney.
Ankylo or doed :: ARK: Survival Evolved General Discussions
2015年11月16日 · Doed for stone, Ankylo for metal. They're both specialized working animals. Failing that, Doed. It's a virtually unbreakable rock with a cute little face at one end, and a huge mace 'o death at the other.