Ankyrin - Wikipedia
AnkyrinR was first characterized in human erythrocytes, where this ankyrin was referred to as erythrocyte ankyrin or band2.1. [3] AnkyrinR enables erythrocytes to resist shear forces …
锚蛋白 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
锚蛋白(ankyrin),是膜细胞骨架的重要组成部分。词源来自希腊语的“錨”ἄγκυρα(ankyra) [2] 。 他的作用是介导整合膜蛋白和血影蛋白以共通维持细胞膜骨架的完整性,同时固定各种膜间蛋 …
Ankyrin repeat: a unique motif mediating protein-protein
2006年12月26日 · Ankyrin repeat, one of the most widely existing protein motifs in nature, consists of 30-34 amino acid residues and exclusively functions to mediate protein-protein …
ANK 蛋白结构域 | Cell Signaling Technology
ank 结构域蛋白: 结合伴侣: 53bp2 p53 结合蛋白: p53: p16(ink4a,d) cdk 抑制剂: cdk6: gabpΑ 转录因子: gabpΒ-dna
Ankyrins: roles in synaptic biology and pathology - PMC
Ankyrin-G forms nanodomains at perisynaptic regions and in the spine neck, where it interacts with spectrin/actin cytoskeleton to modulate spine head and neck dimensions. Ankyrin-G …
Ankyrins in human health and disease - PubMed Central (PMC)
This paper provides an outline of knowledge about the structure of ankyrins, and by making use of recent experimental research studies critically discusses their role in several health disorders. …
锚蛋白 - 百度百科
ankyrin 锚蛋白连接 整合膜蛋白 到 细胞骨架 蛋白网络,在多种细胞功能活动中起关键作用,参与机体生长、发育、细胞内蛋白转运、细胞极性的建立和维持、细胞黏附、信号传导以及mRNA转录 …
Ankyrin: structure, properties, and functions - PubMed
The structure of ankyrin repeats that are often contained in other proteins (which are not classified with the ankyrin family) and ensure protein-protein interactions as well as interactions between …
锚定蛋白 - 百度百科
锚定蛋白(ankyrin)又称带2.1蛋白。锚定蛋白是一种比较大的细胞内连接蛋白, 每个红细胞约含10万个锚定蛋白,相对分子质量为215,000。
Ankyrin protein networks in membrane formation and stabilization
Ankyrin-G targeting to membrane domains in the peripheral neuron. Ankyrin-G is recruited to the nodes of Ranvier by gliomedin, which is produced by Schwann cells and accumulates in the …