Aspen™ AmniHook® Amniotic Membrane Perforator
AmniHook® Amniotic Membrane Perforator provides physicians with a safe, comfortable method to rupture the amniotic membrane the first time, virtually every time. The AmniHook® features …
Amnio Hook - MedGyn
MedGyn easy-to-use, disposable amnio hook is a safe, clean instrument used to rupture the maternal amniotic sac.
Amniohook - Steril - Steril Medical
STERIL Amniohook is designed to ensure maximum safety when used for artificial rupture of the membranes of the amniotic sac during induction of labour. The device is curved to ease the …
This is What They use to POP Your Water During Labor | Amnio hook …
2022年11月2日 · Watch the full episode: Evidence on Artificial Rupture of Membranes, Assisted Vaginal Delivery, and Internal Monitoring - https://youtu.be/Cvxw8rm6sz8
Amazon.com: Surgical Amnio Hooks - Surgical Amnio Hooks / …
Available with an Amazon Business account and healthcare license. Online shopping for Industrial & Scientific from a great selection of Forceps & Hemostats, Scissors & Shears, Sutures, …
Amniotic Hook | Amnio Hook - SMB - smbcorpn.com
SMB Amnion Hook is used for artificially rupturing the membranes of the amniotic sac to release the amniotic fluid for childbirth. An amniotic is performed by an obstetrician in a labour or …
Amniotic Hooks - Amnihooks | Cascade Health Care
Cascade Health Care carries the most popular brands of amniotic hooks. Amnihook amniotic membrane perforators are used for the safe and secure rupturing of amniotic membranes …
Amnicot - LTR Medical
The Amnicot is a single use fingercot with a plastic hook for performing an artificial rupture of the amniotic membrane (amniotomy). This enables membrane rupture to be performed utilising …
Amnio Hook for Safe and Efficient Amniotic Fluid Sampling
Introducing the Disposable Amniotic Membrane Perforator: This meticulously designed, easy-to-use amniohook is your trusted partner for safe and efficient rupturing of the maternal amniotic …
Amniotic membrane perforator - All medical device manufacturers
The Amnio Hook is used to cause an artificial non-traumatic rupture of the maternal amniotic sac. It has a sharp hook at one end that tears the membrane.