Anomie | Topics | Sociology - tutor2u
2020年10月1日 · Anomie is a concept identified by Durkheim and later developed by Merton. For Durkheim, anomie is a state of normlessness: the lack of social cohesion and solidarity that …
Anomie (Theory) | Topics | Sociology - tutor2u
2020年10月13日 · Anomie was a concept introduced to sociology by Emile Durkheim to mean normlessness; an upheaval in social values often associated with rapid social change and lack …
Cohen: Status Frustration (1955) | Reference Library - tutor2u
2020年8月31日 · Cohen set out to develop Merton's strain theory and particularly to address questions about why groups commit crimes and why people commit non-utilitarian crimes. In …
Robert K Merton's Strain Theory - Explained - tutor2u
2020年8月31日 · While Durkheim's concept of anomie was rather vague, Merton explains the idea in quite a detailed way: as the product of a strain between socially-accepted goals and the …
Durkheim on Deviance | Reference Library | Sociology - tutor2u
2022年9月15日 · Durkheim is often seen as the founding father of functionalist sociology, and his ideas about deviance must be understood in the context of his views about society as a whole. …
Hirschi: Bonds of Attachment (1969) | Reference Library - tutor2u
2020年8月31日 · Another important functionalist contribution to our understanding of crime and deviance comes from Travis Hirschi. While most sociologists who have thought about crime …
Durkheim on Education | Reference Library | Sociology - tutor2u
2019年11月25日 · AQA GCSE Sociology Classic Texts: Moral Education (Emile Durkheim, 1925) Study Notes
Matza: Subterranean Values and "Drift" (1964) - tutor2u
2020年9月10日 · Matza presents an interesting functionalist alternative to subcultural theories where he suggests that, in fact, we all share the "delinquent" values that lead some people to …
The Sociology Show: An Introduction to Functionalism (1 ... - tutor2u
2020年10月1日 · In this student special episode of the Sociology Show, Matthew Wilkin talks to Dr. Laura Way about Functionalism- what it is, where it originated and who are the most …
Cloward and Ohlin: Illegitimate Opportunity Structures (1960)
2020年8月31日 · Evaluating Cloward and Ohlin. Although Cloward and Ohlin’s three forms of subculture appear distinct, most criminal gangs would have elements of two or more of these …