Antonov An-225 Mriya - Wikipedia
The Antonov An-225 Mriya (Ukrainian: Антонов Ан-225 Мрія, lit. 'dream' or 'inspiration'; NATO reporting name: Cossack) was a strategic airlift cargo aircraft designed and produced by the Antonov Design Bureau in the Soviet Union.
安托諾夫An-225運輸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
安托諾夫An-225「夢想」運輸機 (简称 安-225, 烏克蘭語: Антонов Ан-225 « Мрія », 羅馬化:Antonov An-225 "Mriia"; 北約 代號:Cossack“ 哥薩克 ”)是一架離陸重量超過640噸的超大型 運輸機,也是目前全世界機身最長、承載重量最大的 飛機 [1]。 安-225由 蘇聯 時代的 烏克蘭 安托諾夫設計局 組織開發,首度試飛於1988年12月21日,不僅是 蘇聯太空計劃 用以設備運載的重要工具,也是 安托諾夫 主導的 工業設計 傑作之一。
安-225运输机 - 百度百科
安-225运输机(俄文/乌克兰文:Ан-225 [1],代号:Мрія,英文:An-225 Mriya,译文:米莉亚/梦幻;北约代号:Cossack,译文:哥萨克),是前 苏联 安东诺夫设计局 研制的超大型 军用运输机。 安-225运输机最大起飞重量640吨,货舱最大载重250吨,机身顶部最大载重200吨,机身长度84米,翼展88.4米。 自诞生之时,安-225运输机就在载重量和起飞重量等方面不断创造新世界纪录,前后总计有250项,其中多项世界纪录一直以来未被打破。 研制这架巨型飞机的目的是运输 …
The largest aircraft ever made - Antonov AN-225 Mriya 'Dream'
2023年12月20日 · Now, 35 years after it took its first flight, we look back on the iconic aircraft, the Antonov AN-225 Mriya. The massive plane was developed to transport materials as part of the Buran Space Shuttle Program and won the title of the world’s largest fixed-wing aircraft in …
Antonov An-225: Ukraine says an aviation giant will rise again - CNN
2023年4月7日 · The sheared nose cone of the Antonov An-225 cargo plane towers over pilot Yevhen Bashynsky. Ukraine says it will rebuild the giant aircraft after it was destroyed as Russia’s full-scale invasion...
安東諾夫An-225運輸機 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
安東諾夫An-225「夢想」運輸機(簡稱安-225,烏克蘭語: Антонов Ан-225 « Мрія » ,羅馬化: Antonov An-225 "Mriia" ;北約 代號:Cossack「哥薩克」)是一架離陸重量超過640噸的超大型運輸機,也是目前全世界機身最長、承載重量最大的飛機 [1] 。
AN-225 "MRIYA" - Antonov
Mriya sets 124 world and 214 national speed, altitude and weight-to-altitude records. having flown the AN-225 with 247 tons of cargo (4 pipe-laying machines) from Prague (Czech Republic) to Tashkent (Uzbekistan) the crew headed by Anatolii Moiseyev set six world records.
Antonov An-225 Mriya Specs, Engines, Weight, Cockpit, and Price
The Antonov An-225 Mriya is powered by six Ivchenko Progress Lotarev D-18T, three shaft turbofan engines, each of which can produce a maximum thrust of 229.5 kN. It is equipped with bucket-shaped push-in, jetpipe, drive box, exhaust nozzle, fan turbine, combustion chamber, intermediate drive, fan stator blades and fan wheels.
Antonov An-225 Mriya - Airliners.net
Antonov An-225 "Mriya" is the world's largest aircraft. When it was built, it surpassed any airliner built before by 50%. It was designed for the transportation of the Russian Space Shuttle "Buran" by the Antonov Design Bureau (HQ in Kiev, Ukraine), which already had built good and large cargo aircraft such as the Antonov An-124 "Ruslan".
ANTONOV An-225 Mriya - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
The Antonov An-225 Mriya (Ukrainian: Антонов Ан-225 Мрія, NATO reporting name: 'Cossack') is a strategic airlift transport aircraft built by the Antonov Design Bureau, USSR. It is the world's largest fixed-wing aircraft.