Home - Anuket
Anuket delivers a common model, standardized reference infrastructure specifications, and conformance and performance frameworks for virtualized and cloud native network functions, enabling faster, more robust onboarding into production, reducing costs and accelerating communications digital transformations.
Artifacts - Anuket
Anuket develops open reference infrastructure models, architectures, tools, and programs. Within the project, these artifacts are generally classified as: Reference Model, Reference Architectures, and Reference Implementations.
About - Anuket
Anuket, formed out of OPNFV and the Cloud iNfrastructure Telco Taskforce (CNTT), is the transformative organization needed to create a common understanding and new capability for infrastructures across the telecom industry and to plot our collective future.
Current Release: Moselle - Anuket
anuket/barometer-grafana anuket/barometer-influxdb anuket/barometer-kafka anuket/barometer-ves anuket/barometer-collectd anuket/barometer-collectd-latest anuket/barometer-collectd-experimental: Installation Guide: CIRV-SDV: anuket/sdvconfig anuket/sdvstate anuket/sdvurls anuket/sdvmodel anuket/sdvsecurity: Installation Guide:
FAQ - Anuket
Anuket was the ancient Egyptian goddess of the Nile River. Anuket oversaw the abundance of the lands near the river and was recognized as the great nourisher of fields through the annual flooding of the Nile that deposited the heavy layer of black silt that served to fertilize the crops that nourished a people and allowed the rise of civilization.
Anuket, Author at Anuket
Anuket occupies a unique position in the telco industry because it includes operator requirements collection and normalization, open source software development, through to an industry verification program for ecosystem implementations, all under a single initiative.
Getting Started - Anuket
Like all open source projects, the Anuket project is open to everyone and participating in the community is the best way to get learn. Participation starts with setting up a Linux Foundation ID, joining the mailing lists, attending project meetings, and asking questions.
Anuket Issues Kali Release, Fully Merges Work of CNTT + OPNFV
2021年7月6日 · As the Anuket Project’s first release, Kali benefits from the combined expertise and contributions from the two organizations that merged early this year: the Open Platform for NFV (OPNFV) open source project in LFN and the Cloud iNfrastructure Telco Task Force (CNTT).
OPNFV Archives - Anuket
Anuket is an LF Networking project launched just a year ago out of a merger of CNTT (Cloud iNfrastructure Telco Taskforce) with OPNFV (Open Platform for Network Functions Virtualization). The newly minted Anuket team not only successfully established the project but also delivered two full releases in its first year – quite an accomplishment!
LF Networking Launches Anuket, an Open Source Project to …
2021年1月27日 · Anuket delivers standardized reference infrastructure specifications and conformance frameworks for virtualized and cloud native network functions, enabling faster and more robust onboarding into production, reducing costs, and …