Aooa - myFICO® Forums - 5099557
Nov 25, 2017 · Re: Aooa Perhaps you can help the rest of our community out by tracking your scores carefully in the next few weeks and letting us know if you see any significant change. Age of Youngest is unlikely to cause a scoring change (given its extremely recent age) and you have plenty of accounts so your profile won't be considered thin.
AooA about to hit 20 years - Impact? - myFICO® Forums - 6740495
Feb 18, 2024 · Hi all. I was looking at my latest report and noticed my student loan is going to age to 20 years soon (opened April 2004). My next oldest account is an old CapOne card I opened in Feb 2011 when I began my rebuild journey. AoYA is 1 month (opened in Jan 2024) and AAoA is around the 9 year mark. I ...
How will my Fico, Aaoa, Aooa and Aona change if I add more cards?
Nov 22, 2024 · Age of oldest account (AoOA) will remain the same at roughly 10 years by January. Age of youngest account (AoYA) will become 0 years as soon as you add your next card; and will keep resetting to zero with each new card. Average age of accounts (AAoA) will depend upon the number of new cards added.
EX 8 decrease of 20 points @ 36 months AoOA! - myFICO® Forums
Jan 2, 2024 · This is with a total of 12 accounts (9 of which are revolvers), 1-revolver is reporting a balance of $5 (before AND after), there is 1 scorable inquiry with EX/EQ, 3 scorable Inquiries with TU. There is no history of lates, collections, public records, etc. before/after, ONLY the 36 month AoOA (or rather, Age of Credit File) now reporting.
AAoA and AoOA -- revolving only? - myFICO® Forums - 5619486
May 21, 2019 · Some scoring models analyze the difference between AoOA and AAoA. When there is a huge difference such models flag that and penalize you for it -- presumably because it is a marker for a person who has opened a large amount of accounts in a few years.
Seeking AoOA Threshold Data Points - Anecdotal or Otherwise..
Jan 23, 2018 · Hey All - So, February 1st will bring 2 (known) minor changes to my EX report: (1) AoOA will hit the 5 year mark. (2) 1 inquiry (out of a total of 6) will hit the 1 year mark. No balance updates will occur between now and then, so assuming no other, unexpected changes - …
Where to Find Accurate Age of Accounts (AaoA, AoOA, AoYA etc)
Feb 15, 2021 · So I was updating my signature and I noticed that the Age of Oldest on FICo and the Age of Oldest on CS and CK are 3 different informations - 6256996
AAoA thresholds - myFICO® Forums - 6174598
Oct 31, 2020 · AAoA on the other hand, has nothing to do with whether you are new to credit. AAoA is a scoring factor that adds points as your average account age increases. The corresponding negative reason code is triggered by either AoOA being below its threshold or AAoA being less than its maximum threshold, or both being under.
AoYA 3 months and/or AoOA 15 months threshold. +23
AoOA: 1 yr 3 mo; AAoA: 7 mo; AoYA: 3 mo; I say 'one or more' because of a few posts from @BrutalBodyShots which point out that it's not necessarily due to AoYA alone crossing the 3mo threshold. It looks like it could be a little of AoYA and AoOA due to the following changes from the prior day's report (Feb 28):
How does AAoA exactly affect FICO? - myFICO® Forums - 5684423
Jul 19, 2019 · You may already know, but AAoA is not 10% of your credit score. It's Credit History Length which also includes AoYA and AoOA. My age of oldest account (AoOA) was 22Y3M and AAoA was 12Y4M when I opened a new account in 8/2018. One of the reasons my score decreased was AoYA resetting to zero. This dropped my AAoA to 11Y2M.