AORUS M2 Key Features | Mouse - GIGABYTE Global
AORUS M2 boasts an enthusiast-grade 6200 dpi optical sensor (Pixart 3327), capable of 220 ips and 30G acceleration, that gives you the ultimate accuracy for competitive gaming. Adjustable in 100 dpi increments further allows you to make seamless transition from your old mouse by fine-tuning to the level that precisely fits your play style.
RGB Fusion 2.0 - synchronize with other AORUS devices; Ambidextrous design developed for palm and claw grip; Two thumb buttons on both sides. On-the-fly DPI adjustment
AORUS M2 特色重點 | 滑鼠 - GIGABYTE 技嘉科技
RGB Fusion 2.0 – 可與其他AORUS設備同步燈光效果; 雙手共用設計適合爪握式跟指握式; 雙側邊各兩顆可程式化按鍵; DPI 即時切換熱鍵
'AORUS M2|AORUS - 技嘉科技
AORUS M2 採用頂級電競光學感應核心(Pixart 3327),可以支援到實體6200dpi、220ips最快追蹤速度、以及30g最大加速度的感應能力,其中DPI值更可依玩家需求,以100 dpi為單位微調至最適靈敏度,完全去除玩家更換新滑鼠所需要的適應期,提供玩家絕佳的操控、速度與精準 ...
AORUS 【南紡購物中心】 M2 Gaming Mouse - PChome 24h購物
AORUS 【南紡購物中心】 M2 Gaming Mouse - 軟墊材質, 電競專用輕量化設計 實體 6200dpi 電競光學引擎 5000萬次日系歐姆龍按鍵 RGB Fusion 2.0 – 可與其他AORUS設備同步燈光效果 雙手共用設計適合爪握式跟指握式 雙側邊各兩顆可程式化按鍵 DPI 即時切換熱鍵, 找AORUS 【南紡 ...
AORUS M2 boasts an enthusiast-grade 6200 dpi optical sensor (Pixart 3327), capable of 220 ips and 30G acceleration, that gives you the ultimate accuracy for competitive gaming. Adjustable in 100 dpi increments further allows you to make seamless transition from your old mouse by fine-tuning to the level that precisely fits your play style.
【电竞鼠标】技嘉:AORUS-M2 - 哔哩哔哩
aorus m2搭载原相3327电竞传感器,原生6200 dpi,220ips和30g的加速度,定位精准,移动顺滑。 支持100DPI步进可调,使你在各种游戏中都可得心应手,更可在AORUS Engine轻松设置4档DPI,一键切换,轻松应对各种环境。
AORUS M2 Key Features | Mouse - GIGABYTE U.S.A.
AORUS M2 boasts an enthusiast-grade 6200 dpi optical sensor (Pixart 3327), capable of 220 ips and 30G acceleration, that gives you the ultimate accuracy for competitive gaming. Adjustable in 100 dpi increments further allows you to make seamless transition from your old mouse by fine-tuning to the level that precisely fits your play style.
AORUS M2 Support | Mouse - GIGABYTE Global
Scalable parallel computing GPU dense servers that are built for high performance. Compute, Storage, and Networking are possible in high density, multi-node servers at lower TCO and greater efficiency. Stand-alone chassis for customers to customize and expand as needs change. Ensure peak performance in all configurations.
Features Light weight for professional gamer Real 6200 DPI optical engine 50-million-click Omron switch RGB Fusion 2.0 - synchronize with other AORUS devices Ambidextrous design developed for palm and claw grip Two thumb buttons on both sides. On-the-fly DPI adjustment
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