Can we build a 3D maneuver gear from Attack on Titan?
Watched that anime, was quite interested and fascinated with ODM gear. Reasons why nothing like that can't and won't ever exist in real life: Grappling hooks. There is no way to penetrate anything concrete-like with a shot projectile and have a reliable grip to sustain a human weight.
What to remove to make a realistic Omni-Directional Maneuver …
2019年12月7日 · Looking up ODM pilots and their lack of basic protection, it seems like everyone is OK with them dying but blacking out is not OK. This problem became much easier but disturbing. Simply adjust each cable's strength so it can only support the weight of the cable and person swinging at a particular acceleration.
science based - Scientifically Correct Hanahaki Disease ...
2019年4月15日 · $\begingroup$ This seems to be a misrepresentation of the question at best.. Crafting a fictional, but scientifically plausible, "emotion -> physical change -> something-which-carries-disease-detects-physical-change" chain is surely possible (mosquitos detect our carbon dioxide emoissions).