How to craft Ap-Sap? :: Team Fortress 2 General Discussions
2014年9月26日 · The Ap-Sap comes compliementry if you buy a physical copy of Portal 2: Songs to Test By. There's a code included inside that gives you the Ap-Sap in TF2 and some Portal-themed items for Dota 2. #4
Steam Community Market :: Listings for Genuine Ap-Sap
Team Fortress 2 > Genuine Ap-Sap The appearance of items in the individual listings may vary slightly from the one above. For example, items could have custom names, descriptions, or colors.
Is it still possible to get the Genuine Ap-Sap and how do i get it?
2013年5月7日 · Here's a tip, the product no longer exists on the valve store, and if you try to buy it on amazon it says that it no longer comes with promotional codes. Sorry to anyone reading this, but as of now, I'm pretty sure the only way you'll be able to get a genuine ap-sap is from the community market, or a third party website. You, read the date
how to get the Ap-sap :: Team Fortress 2 General Discussions
2017年8月16日 · You can go to Ap-Sap's entry in Mann Co. Store and click on "Try it out". You get a non-tradable, non ...
How to get Free Ap-Sap (special sapper) TF2 - Steam Community
TO get the sapper, simply visit the Mann Co. store, go to spy's weapons, click on the Ap-Sap, then 'try it out' this will give you a free test run Ap-Sap for 7 days, during which you can buy the product at a discount, and after which the item will be removed from your inventory. To get the Ap-Sap again, simply repeat the process.
Ap Sap or Snack Attack? :: Team Fortress 2 General Discussions
2015年8月15日 · Ap-Sap(Also known as Wheatley) The reskin of the default sapper. Since the reskin is Wheatley and he has voice lines I do agree it's neat to have/use but can be quiet at times. The bad part of using this is if you wanted to be stealthy while taking out sentrys. The Ap-Sap(Wheatley) once placed on a building will begin to talk.
AP-SAP Bug :: Team Fortress 2 General Discussions - Steam …
2018年1月22日 · I have an ap sap and he doesnt do it. Maybe yours is corrupted and you need a core replacement It's no mine AP-SAP, this man told this is bug, and his friend found it. It works on all servers. He said "Give me 228 key's and i told you" :D
Steam Community :: Guide :: How to have Wheatley (AP-SAP)
2019年12月4日 · 2) Buy- You can buy him on the community center or TF2 shop. His usual price is 8,75€, in sale his price is 6,98€. 3) Cheat- you can of course cheat him somehow, but this way is bad and i dont reccomend you to do it. Better way is to buy him. I bought him. Wheatley surely belong to favorite items in the TF2, because he references to Portal 2.
Ap-Sap codes? :: Team Fortress 2 General Discussions - Steam …
My copy arrived today, ripped 4 CDs, comes with a comic, Ap-Sap code/Dota 2 Copy (Holy poop who hasn't got this game?!) Also good tunes. You should activate the DOTA 2 code found in the Portal 2 soundtrack. It gives you the game but also some rare DOTA 2 items.
Steam Community Market :: Listings for The Ap-Sap
2013年7月3日 · Buy and sell Team Fortress 2 items on the Steam Community Market for Steam Wallet funds.