apache - How to set up git over http? - Stack Overflow
2017年2月11日 · The challenge is to configure the interface between these two components, so that http requests to git are forwarded by apache. Note: Security is outside the scope of this guide. Start out by installing git and apache2 using the package manager of your distribution. Add the modules needed by apache to enable git-over-http. These are cgi, alias ...
Configuring Git with Apache on a Windows Server
I need to set up Git repositories on a Windows server. Requirements are: Git running on Windows with Apache 2.2 (because this Apache was already there and has been used for serving Subversion alre...
Setup git over http/https with apache 2.4 server - Stack Overflow
2015年12月21日 · I am trying to setup a git server behind apache 2.4 but could´t get it to work. I tried following all the tips I found here but didn´t find a working configuration for linux. I did find a working configuration for windows but when I tried to adapt it, it still fails.
Apache and git-http-backend - Stack Overflow
I am currently setting up some git repositories on a Ubuntu LTS 14.04 machine with Apache 2.4.7. This is the apache config: SetEnv GIT_PROJECT_ROOT /var/www/html/git ...
apache - Git: How to manage a website with Git? How to use Git …
2012年7月6日 · I feel I have understood now the DocumentRoot -problem, it would require Apache hacking that I want to avoid because much simpler solution using side-effects and putting the repo outside the deployment -dir but now a problem to understand git-fetch-hook and how to deploy stuff if the outside thing is a large dir, perhaps just cp besides and ...
apache - How can I allow anonymous push to a git repository over …
2011年8月20日 · Just don't put any AuthType in your Apache config (so no LocationMatch or Location elements). If you don't have AuthType , that means your Apache will simply pass along your git request to the cgi program git-http-backend. So no authentication will take place in that case: anonymous push will be possible.
Best way to integrate Git with Ant? - Stack Overflow
2010年12月11日 · ant TARGET options -Dusing.git= When ${using.git} is declared, Ant calls the task -check-git-branch-name to gather the name of a branch (or a commit's number if Git is in detached mode) and generates the build with the appended name of the Git branch (or commit's hnumber), for example build/TARGET-${git-branch-name}.
apache - git-http-backend with apache2.4 Centos 7 - Stack Overflow
2016年1月31日 · the data read or served by apache are owned by apache:apache (chown -R) SElinux (Security-Enhanced Linux) allows the httpd service to read Z: ls -Z If the later point does not include httd_rw, you need to type (as in " How come my Apache can only access root owned files? "), to change its context:
apache - git-http-backend and ldap authentication, push error ...
2014年12月11日 · apache (with suexec mode enabled) configuration with git-http-backend and ldap authorization to git repos wchich works for clone operations, but not working for push and that's the problem. I use https as communication protocol to my git server.
apache - Using a git repository as a website root folder - Stack …
2011年10月19日 · There is only one concern - the .git folder. But the git stores it in the repo root only. If you place your web-exposed folder as a subfolder of the repo, it will work great and doesn't require any additional configuration. The file structure will be: myProj -+ +-- .git +-- www-files ... +-- someStuff