GitHub - ADVANTECH-Corp/SUSI: A Bridge to Simplify
To simplify this process, Advantech has developed SUSI (Secure and Unified Smart Interface), a suite of Software APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that bridges the gap between …
SUSI APIs - Advantech
Advantech has created SUSI (Secure and Unified Smart Interface), a suite of application interfaces that lets users directly monitor and control digital I/O, I2C, CPU stepping speed, …
SUSI - ESS-WIKI - Advantech
SUSI AI is used to get and set information of AI accelerated devices, such as NVIDIA x86 GPU card, NVIDIA ARM platform, and Intel x86 CPU / GPU; meanwhile, information of docker …
SUSI provides not only the underlying drivers required but also a rich set of user-friendly, intelligent and integrated interfaces, which speeds development, enhances security and offers …
SUSI API for Application Development-RISC 计算平台-研华 …
SUSI I2C API允許通過單一控制界面配置和控制多個I2C設備。 研華SUSI Access for Signage整合了隨插即用應用程式和數位電子看板API,可方便整合和快速啟動。 硬體保護API允許用戶將 …
SUSI API - 研華 - Advantech
Advantech has created SUSI (Secure and Unified Smart Interface), a suite of application interfaces that lets users directly monitor and control digital I/O, I2C, CPU stepping speed, …
SUSI API for Application Development - Advantech
Advantech SUSI Access for Signage integrates plug-and-play application and signage API for easy integration and quick start. Hardware Protection API allows users to implement security …
SUSI API for Application Development-RISC Computing
アドバンテックのSUSI APIは、H/Wモニタリング、ウォッチドッグタイマ、I2C制御、GPIO制御、ディスプレイ電力管理、輝度コントロール、セキュリティ、サイネージAPI、および遠隔 …
SUSI API for Application Development-RISC 计算平台-研华 …
研华SUSI Access for Signage集成了即插即用应用程序和标牌API,可方便整合和快速启动。 安全性 硬件保护API允许用户将安全特性整合至研华RISC板卡/系统。
APC, a flagship brand of Schneider Electric - APC USA
APC, a flagship brand of Schneider Electric, provides clean battery back-up power, surge protection, and IT physical infrastructure inside and outside the traditional IT environment to …