B&T APC223 - What’s the real deal? - AR15.COM
2019年1月8日 · I have experience with all but the APC223, the Bren 2 is/will be the best non-AR on market. They’re all similar in a lot of ways but what the Bren 2 does that none the others you mention do is the weight. It’s close to 6lbs in rifle form. The original MCX got that right too but then Sig made it more expensive and heavier.
Anyone have experience with B&T APC223 PDW (10.3”)?
2022年7月31日 · There’s the gen 1 APC223, and the updates periodically after, adding a pro lower, fluted barrel, 3 position gas adjustment, and updated heavier rail to a free floating lighter MLOK. Barrels for 556 were 8.7, 12.5, and 16 (sport). 300 blk has a 8.7 with sloped rail that’s either loved or hated.
B&T APC223 - What’s the real deal? - Page 2 - AR15.COM
2019年6月5日 · The APC223 I bought came with the collapsible stock and I initially intended to put on a ACR stock or the B&T folder but I actually really like it. It’s solid and the cheek weld and line of sight isn’t as bad as I anticipated.
Scar 16S or HK MR556 or B&T APC223? - Page 2 - AR15.COM
2023年5月10日 · Many of the optic mounts that have difficulty mounting on the APC223/APC556 top rail are unable to mount due to a lack of a large gap between the rail itself and the main body of the receiver. The SPC has a somewhat more AR style rail in that there is a gap between the rail and the body of the receiver.
B&T APC Rifles Picture and Discussion Thread - AR15.COM
2022年7月15日 · APC223 Pistol I haven't got to shoot it yet. Just got the suppressor mounted and the optic. It's a shame that EOTECHs have such a wide base. I couldn't use my XPS on it because my hand would get chewed up with the side charging handle. The good news is the Holosun HS510 fits perfectly with no issues.
Scar 16S or HK MR556 or B&T APC223? - AR15.COM
2023年5月6日 · The APC223 Sport was the best example ... $2399 + 10% off coupon ... not sure if it still works but 10OFFBT gave me 10% off all B&T branded items on Bereli ... a full Swiss rifle $2300 out the door with taxes and shipping insurance was an absolute no brainer for me ...
Sword International MK15, MR556, or APC223 - AR15.COM
2021年10月16日 · APC223 B&T MK 2 Sphinx SDP GHM9 LMT L129A1 KAC SR25 (M110 clone ) Alas, can’t all be Elon musk. Posted ...
B&T APC223 10.3 pro vs PWS mk111? - AR15.COM
2023年2月13日 · I really only advise the APC over the PWS if you want the cool factor and money isn't a concern. Otherwise the PWS is a better purchase for the average guy IMO. I still recommend PWS pretty regulalry to guys who run suppressed. I don't recommend an APC223 to anyone who is asking for a general, do it all rifle.
APC223... What should I pay? - AR15.COM
2021年9月21日 · I have yet to see any of the Pro or Gen 2 versions out there with a removable grip. It’s come out on the APC9/45/10/300 & GHM series, but the APC223 Pro version seems to be vapor ware for some reason. Also, I’m fairly confident that the only APC model with an aluminum lower is the APC308.
SCAR 16 or B&T APC223? - AR15.COM
2023年4月4日 · Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear.