APC9/45 ——〖枪炮世界〗
APC9系列配用的弹匣有两类,一类是直接使用 MP9冲锋枪 的半透明塑料双排双进弹匣,有15发、20发、25发和30发等4种容量;另一类则直接使用GLOCK系列的9mm弹匣,各种容量都可以用。 但这两类弹匣要分配适用于两种类型的下机匣,互相之间不能通用,后者在名称上通常加个“G”作为后缀,例如ACP9 PRO G,随枪出售时配套33发的GLOCK17/18弹匣。 普通APC9的弹匣实际上就是MP9的弹匣. 最初的APC9冲锋枪安装有一个工程塑料制成的三角形侧折叠枪托(与UMP枪 …
B&T U.S. Army SCW Limited Commemorative Edition APC9K
2020年11月18日 · The APC9K utilizes a hydraulic buffer system to drastically reduce felt recoil and muzzle rise and is the most compact version the APC9 PRO platform that features functional updates to include dual auto-folding, non-reciprocating and ambidextrous charging handles, improved lower receiver ergonomics that include a side positioned bolt hold open ...
Brügger & Thomet APC - Wikipedia
APC9 – The basic model, which adopts a polymer receiver, magazine, and folding stock. It is select fire, and may be loaded either with 15-, 20-, 25-, or 30-round magazines. [11] APC9 G – An APC9 with a lower receiver that is compatible with Glock pistol magazines. APC9 K – Shortened barrel variant of the APC9.
New: Limited Edition Integrally Suppressed B&T APC9K-SD 2
2023年8月17日 · "At less than 15 inches in overall length, the APC9K SD2 is the shortest integrally suppressed submachine gun currently available. It is optimized for low visibility carriage and discreet...
Designed with the best Swiss engineering has to offer, this compact weapon includes numerous user-friendly features, such as an ambidextrous selector switch and safety, an ergonomic trigger assembly, non-reciprocating, auto-folding charging handle, and …
[轻武器科普] MP5的上位替代?B&T APC9/45冲锋枪简介 - 哔哩哔哩
2024年4月20日 · 电影《白宫陷落》中的APC9冲锋枪. 2011年,B&T公司推出了一种名为“先进的警用卡宾枪”(Advanced Police Carbine)的枪族,简称APC,整个枪族主要分为手枪弹口径和步枪弹口径两大类。
APC9PRO / APC40PRO - Target Dynamics International Limited
For these reasons, the United States Army selected the APC9K as its Sub Compact Weapon (SCW) to support global personal protective missions. Additional Information. Magazines: 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 rounds, translucent Polymer magazines or Glock if desired. Charging handle: ambidextrous, non-reciprocating, foldable charging handle.
B&T APC9K PRO Sub Gun 9mm Pistol - SCW - Charlie's Custom …
B&T APC9K PRO Sub Gun 9mm Pistol - SCW. This is the civilian semi-automatic version of the Sub Compact Weapon (SCW) that the US Army has chosen for its concealed weapon for "executive protection" and other concealed needs.
评测:APC9K Pro手枪 美军新型“便携冲锋枪”到底有何特别之处?
2020年7月2日 · b&t apc9系列可以使用15发、20发、25发、30发弹匣,这种透明的聚合物弹匣可以轻松看到余弹情况,供弹可靠。 购买APC9K Pro手枪时,会附送一个30发弹匣。
美国陆军次紧凑武器SCW项目 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2019年4月1日美国陆军宣布B&T USA9毫米帕弹口径的APC 9K Pro冲锋枪击败西格绍尔、Global Ordnance 、Angstadt等公司的冲锋枪,中标美国陆军的Sub Compact Weapon (SCW)项目。 B&T USA公司获得价值2,575,811.76美元的合同,用于生产最多1000支APC 9K Pro 冲锋枪。 这是美国陆军自1942年装备 M3冲锋枪 后,再次装备新的冲锋枪。 2018年美国陆军提出SCW项目,购买商用现货(off the shelf)9毫米口径军用手枪弹冲锋枪。 SCW项目冲锋枪是提供给陆军安保人 …