Piaggio Ape - Wikipedia
Currently two model ranges are offered: the "Ape 50" with a 49.8 cc petrol engine [7] and the larger "Ape TM" which comes available with a 218 cc petrol engine or a 422 cc diesel engine. [ …
Piaggio Ape 50 - Piaggio Commercial Vehicles UK
With its standout retro Italian panache, compact dimensions, agility and fuel economy, the Ape 50 is in a league of its own. It can carry up to 200 kg in weight and up to 1.5 cubic metres volume, …
Piaggio Ape USA
Ape - pronounced "a pay" is an iconic 3 wheel vehicle produced by Piaggio. Post world war 2 Italy was in a bad way, economic difficulties, the people needed an affordable transport solution …
Ape 50 - Piaggio Veicoli Commerciali
Primo modello della gamma Ape appartenente alla categoria dei ciclomotori, Ape 50 è un mezzo guidabile già dai 14 anni con patente di categoria AM e può trasportare un solo passeggero …
Ape 50 Modeller - APE Import
Ape 50 “tuk tuk” er en robust klassiker, som med sin lange rækkevidde og store lasteevne snildt klarer daglige praktiske gøremål, om end det handler om en tur i skoven efter brænde, …
2007 Piaggio Ape 50 - Bring a Trailer
2024年5月8日 · This 2007 Piaggio Ape 50 is a three-wheeled truck that is finished in green and powered by an oil-injected 50cc two-stroke single paired with a three-speed manual transmission.
Ape 50 - Piaggio Nutzfahrzeuge - piaggiocommercial
Die Ape 50 ist das erste Modell der Ape-Baureihe, das zur Kategorie der Kleinkrafträder gehört und daher bereits ab 14 Jahren mit Führerscheinklasse AM gefahren werden kann. Erhältlich …
1990 Piaggio Ape 50 - Classic Italian Cars For Sale
2020年4月12日 · Simple, thoughtful designs require only small updates over the years, which is why the 1990 Ape bears a great resemblance to the 1964 original cab-model. The Ape 50 …
Ape(ホンダ)のバイクを探すなら【グーバイク】 - GooBike
エイプの代表的な排気量は、50cc(Ape50)、100cc(Ape100)です。 このほか、Ape50 Type D、Ape100 Type Dがあります。 コンパクトで細身のボディですが、5速ミッションやリア …
Ape 50 - Véhicules Utilitaires Piaggio
L'Ape 50 Cross est la version plus "tendance" de la gamme. Un véritable pick-up miniature, très fiable derrière son look dynamique, grâce à sa barre antiroulis et ses pare-chocs avant et …