2007 Piaggio Ape 50 - Bring a Trailer
2024年5月8日 · This 2007 Piaggio Ape 50 is a three-wheeled truck that is finished in green and powered by an oil-injected 50cc two-stroke single paired with a three-speed manual transmission.
Ape(ホンダ)のバイクを探すなら【グーバイク】 - GooBike
エイプの代表的な排気量は、50cc(Ape50)、100cc(Ape100)です。 このほか、Ape50 Type D、Ape100 Type Dがあります。 マシンのスペック
Honda Ape - Wikipedia
The Honda Ape [1] is a minibike sold in the Japanese market. While technically classed as a minibike due to its small frame and 50 cc or 100 cc engines, its height makes it rideable for an adult. [2] The Ape features four-stroke engines, and five-speed transmissions. It is sometimes classed as a monkey bike alongside the Honda Monkey and Honda ...
Piaggio Ape 50 - Piaggio Commercial Vehicles UK
With its standout retro Italian panache, compact dimensions, agility and fuel economy, the Ape 50 is in a league of its own. It can carry up to 200 kg in weight and up to 1.5 cubic metres volume, which gives it great commercial scope, whilst its neat size …
Ape 50 - Piaggio Veicoli Commerciali
Ape 50 Cross è la versione più trendy della gamma. Un vero mini pick up sicuro e dal look grintoso, grazie a roll –bar e paraurti anteriore e posteriore in metallo, e che, anche grazie alla predisposizione per autoradio di serie, rende più divertente il lavoro e lo svago.
ホンダ(HONDA) エイプ50/デラックス/タイプD
CB50系の空冷4スト単気筒エンジンを搭載した原付1種スポーツバイクとして、2001年2月に登場したApe(エイプ)。 5速マニュアルミッションを搭載し、原付免許で乗れて、バイクを操る楽しさは、大きなバイクと同じというモデルだった。
Ape 50 - Véhicules Utilitaires Piaggio
L'Ape 50 Cross est la version plus "tendance" de la gamme. Un véritable pick-up miniature, très fiable derrière son look dynamique, grâce à sa barre antiroulis et ses pare-chocs avant et arrière en métal; l'installation prévue pour un autoradio de série rend le travail plus amusant et agrémente le temps libre.
Piaggio Ape 3 wheeler van Sales and Hire
Piagio Ape city City Petrol/Diesel Engine Engine: Single cylinder, 4-Stroke, Spark ignition Engine Displacement (ml): 275cc Max Power (kw): 9.5HP @ 4400 rpm Torque: 17.1NM @2200-2400 Cooling: Forced air/Oil cooled Starting: Self starting/pulley for auxiliary rope starting Gears: 4 forward, 1 Reverse, constant mesh
Honda | バイク | エイプ・50/100
Hondaは、コンパクトな車体に滑らかな出力特性の空冷・4ストローク・50cc直立エンジンを搭載した原付スポーツモデル「エイプ・50」に新色を追加するとともに、前・後輪にディスクブレーキとアルミ製キャストホイールを採用した「エイプ・50 Type D」を ...
Honda Ape 50cc (BA-AC16) 2001-2005 – Motorcycles Directory
Honda Ape is mini classic naked sport bike equipped with a return-type 5-speed transmission and an upright air-cooled 4-stroke OHC single-cylinder 50cc engine that allows you to experience the fun of changing gears, and has a friendly styling.