[PC] Apex Legends Stuttering/Hitching - FPS Drop/Frametime Spike
Product: Apex Legends Platform: PC Please specify your platform model. PC AMD or Nvidia Model Number Nvidia 1660 TI Enter RAM memory size in GB 16GB 3000mhz What is your gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name? Rcurtiiss Please provide your squad mates' gamertag/PSN ID/EA Account name if possible. n/a Are you using any software with an overlay? No Which …
Apex legends on pc has a broken mic problem - Answer HQ
Dec 4, 2024 · Apex legends on pc has a broken mic problem 3 hours ago by teros1121
Solved: Re: Apex Unplayable Lag - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Hey everyone so as the title says, my apex is completely unplayable on my PC. I just started playing recently and I don't know what these two red symbols are on the top right but I'm guessing they're the reasons why I'm unable to play the game.
Can't join, or invite friends - APEX - Page 3 - Answer HQ
Jun 24, 2024 · Can't join, or invite friends - APEX a month ago by Janicat15
Re: Controller not working Apex Legends PC (Steam)
make sure you don't have -nojoy in your launch options/autoexec file. Removing it fixed it for me (copied it over mindlessly from a "best performance settings" youtube video.)
Apex Legends keeps crashing without error. - Answer HQ
As the titel says the game keeps crashing after few minutes of playing. This doesn't happen all the time but after 1 or 2 full games. My specs are: GTX 1060 6GB OC Intel Core i5 4440 3.1ghz and my drivers are all up to date.
Controller aim assist doesn't work in Apex Legends on Steam.
Then, when I set up the controller in Apex Legends and tested it at the shooting range, aim assist was not enabled. Aim assist doesn't work no matter what settings I use.
Apex wont launch steam pc 9/21/2024 - Answer HQ - EA Answers …
Sep 21, 2024 · I went on today and tried to launch apex ive reinstalled and all and i cannot get it to launch i have a 4090 and a 7950x w 32gb ddr5 it literally wont even launch at all just instant white screen on steam and then basically instantly tries to send the packets for a crash.
Betreff: Apex won´t start, r5apex.exe problem - Answer HQ
Hey, so i uninstalled all versions of visual c++, downloaded the 2 files that you linked me to and after installing i rebooted my PC and repaired Apex. Sadly it reacted like before, the blue bar loaded and nothing, no error, just the origin page with apex in front. Then i uninstalled both, Apex and origin, during installing origin, i had no errors, that's a good progress, but i still cant run ...
I did not get my 2000 damage badge after playing a duos match
Jan 2, 2025 · I have been playing Apex legends from about 7 to 10:30. I had played about 12 to 20 matches my 2000 damage badge for Revenant I had reached 2393 damage so then I decided to start playing a little bit slower so then I could try to win the game.